H. Beam Piper
Five Sci-Fi Short Stories by H. Beam Piper

Read by Mark Nelson
Five short stories by classic science fiction writer H. Beam Piper.
Four-Day Planet

Read by Mark Nelson
Fenris isn't a hell planet, but it's nobody's bargain. With 2,000-hour days and an 8,000-hour year, it alternates blazing heat with killing …
Space Viking

Read by Mark Nelson
A galactic war has left the Terran Federation in ruins. Formerly civilized planets have decivilized into barbarism. Space Vikings roam the w…
The Cosmic Computer

Read by Mark Nelson
Conn Maxwell returns from Terra to his poverty-stricken home planet of Poictesme, "The Junkyard Planet", with news of the possible…
Murder in the Gunroom

Read by Anthony Wilson
The Lane Fleming collection of early pistols and revolvers was one of the best in the country. When Fleming was found dead on the floor of h…

Read by Mark Nelson
An expedition to Mars discovers the remains of an advanced civilization, which died out many thousands of years ago. They recovered books an…
The Return

Read by Reynard T. Fox
Two-hundred years after a global nuclear war, two explorers from a research outpost, that largely survived the cataclysm, discover a settlem…
Last Enemy

Read by Mark Nelson
An undercover Paratimer has disappeared on assignment while in an alternate time line, and it’s up to Verkan Vall of the Paratime Police to …
Oomphel in the Sky

Read by Mark Nelson
Natives of the distant planet of Kwannon believe that their world is about to end, and in preparing for the apocalypse, may be unnecessarily…
Lone Star Planet

Read by Mark Nelson
New Texas: its citizens figure that name about says it all. The Solar League ambassador to the Lone Star Planet has the unenviable task of c…
A Slave Is a Slave

Read by Phil Chenevert
The Galactic Empire is slowly 'welcoming' into the family of civilized worlds those systems so far off in the backwater of the galaxy that t…

Read by Phil Chenevert
Naudsonce? What does THAT mean? Well, to find out you will need to listen to this story where Piper's unique mind explores what we mean by '…
Hunter Patrol

Read by Phil Chenevert
World War IV has dragged on for 12 years and the whole world is drained and tired of the killing and destruction. One man, a high school che…
Time Crime

Read by Mark Nelson
The Paratime Police had a real headache this time! Tracing one man in a population of millions is easy--compared to finding one gang hiding …
Little Fuzzy

Read by tabithat
Jack Holloway, a prospector on the planet Zarathustra discovers small furry creatures. These creatures are obviously intelligent, but are th…
Uller Uprising

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Uller Uprising is the story of a confrontation between a human overlord and alien servants, with an ironic twist at the end. Like most of Pi…

Read by Corinna Schultz
"There's some reaction these days that holds scientists responsible for war. Take it one step further: What happens if "book-learn…
Short Science Fiction Collection 002

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Science fiction (abbreviated SF or sci-fi with varying punctuation and case) is a broad genre of fiction that often involves sociological an…
Temple Trouble

Read by Phil Chenevert
Did you know that our little earth is not limited to the single time line on which we happen to live? There are actually thousands, no mill…
The Edge of the Knife

Read by jfmarchini
The Terro-Human Future History is Piper's detailed account of the next 6000 years of human history. 1942, the year the first fission reactor…
Short Science Fiction Collection 006

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Science fiction (abbreviated SF or sci-fi with varying punctuation and case) is a broad genre of fiction that often involves sociological an…
Short Science Fiction Collection 003

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Science fiction (abbreviated SF or sci-fi with varying punctuation and case) is a broad genre of fiction that often involves sociological an…
X Minus One Project

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
This is a collection of public domain science fiction stories which were turned into half-hour plays for the classic mid-1950's American rad…
Police Operation

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
H. Beam Piper (1904–1964) was an American science fiction author. He wrote many short stories and several novels. He is best known for his e…
Short Science Fiction Collection 005

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Science fiction (abbreviated SF or sci-fi with varying punctuation and case) is a broad genre of fiction that often involves sociological an…
Short Science Fiction Collection 014

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Science fiction (abbreviated SF or sci-fi with varying punctuation and case) is a broad genre of fiction that often involves sociological an…
Short Science Fiction Collection 059

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is p…
Short Science Fiction Collection 053

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is p…
Short Science Fiction Collection 027

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Science Fiction is speculative literature that generally explores the consequences of ideas which are roughly consistent with nature and sci…
Short Science Fiction Collection 052

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is p…
Short Science Fiction Collection 044

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Science Fiction is speculative literature that generally explores the consequences of ideas which are roughly consistent with nature and sci…
Short Science Fiction Collection 026

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Science Fiction is speculative literature that generally explores the consequences of ideas which are roughly consistent with nature and sci…
Time Crime

Read by H. Beam Piper
From Astounding Tales Published February and March 1955 The Paratime Police had a real headache this time! Tracing one man in a population o…
Omnilingual (version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert
This short story was first written and published in the year 1957, as part of a collection of short science fiction stories in the collectio…
Ministry of Disturbance

Read by Phil Chenevert
Science Fiction at it humorous best written in the golden age of all the greats and published in Astounding Science Fiction December 1958. …
Short Story Collection Vol. 011

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
LibriVox’s Short Story Collection 011: a collection of 10 short works of fiction in the public domain read by a variety of LibriVox members.
Battles for the Stars (Ed Reads Short Sci-fi, vol. III)

Read by Edmund Bloxam
I: ‘Diplomatic Immunity’ by Robert SheckleyThe alien ambassador MUST not return to their planet to tell of Earth; humanity has no chance ag…
Omnilingual (Version 3)

Read by Trish E. Matson
This short story published in 1957 is unusual for its time in that its protagonist is a female scientist, and there is no romantic subplot. …
Lone Star Planet (Version 2)

Read by Phil Chenevert
An entire planet colonized by Texans. Can this cause problems? You becha pardner. So strap on your shootin' irons, take a shot of Superbou…