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The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (Version 3)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

This is the second book of short stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle concerning the adventures of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his…

The Canterville Ghost

Read by David Barnes

Oscar Wilde

The American Minister and his family have bought the English stately home Canterville Chase, complete with the ghost of Sir Simon de Canterv…

The Sign of The Four (version 3)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Sign of the Four (1890), also called The Sign of Four, is the second novel featuring Sherlock Holmes written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. …

The Valley of Fear (Version 3)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Receiving a mysterious cypher message from a Fred Porlock, apparent agent of the infamous Professor Moriarty, Holmes and Watson set about de…

What I Believe

Read by David Barnes

Leo Tolstoy

"The inner working of my soul, which I wish to speak of here, was not the result of a methodical investigation of doctrinal theology, o…

His Last Bow (version 3)

Read by David Clarke

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

His Last Bow: Some Reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of previously published Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, i…

Ulysses S. Grant

Read by David Wales

Owen Wister

Ulysses S. Grant was the great hero (for the North) in the Civil War and the 18th President of the United States. This short biography is on…

The Cat of Bubastes

Read by David Leeson

G. A. Henty

G.A. Henty’s “tale of ancient Egypt” tells the story of Amuba, prince of the Rebu, who is taken captive when his people are conquered by the…

Answers to Prayer, from George Müller's Narratives

Read by David Barnes

George Müller

Mr. Brooks, in this compilation, has endeavored to select those incidents and practical remarks from Mr. Müller's Narratives, that show…

A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume 1

Read by David Cole

James Cook

Having, on his first voyage, discovered Australia, Cook still had to contend with those who maintained that the Terra Australians Incognita …

The Club of Queer Trades

Read by David Barnes

G. K. Chesterton

A collection of six wonderfully quirky detective stories, featuring the 'mystic' former judge Basil Grant. Each story reveals a practitioner…

Eusebius History of the Christian Church

Read by David Leeson

Eusebius Of Caesarea

Eusebius presents the history of the Church from the apostles to his own time, with special regard to the following points:1. the succession…

The Dragon Of Wantley (version 2)

Read by David Wales

Owen Wister

A novel, The Dragon of Wantley, was written by Owen Wister (best known as the author of The Virginian) in 1892. Published by Lipincott Press…

The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Read by David Leeson

Daniel Defoe

“THE FARTHER ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE; Being the Second and Last Part OF HIS LIFE, And of the Strange Surprizing Accounts of his Travel…

Somme Battle Stories

Read by David Wales

Alec John Dawson

Stories of World War I warfare, published in 1916 in the midst of the war. (That's why names of persons and units are literally "blanke…

The Metamorphosis (version 2)

Read by David Richardson

Franz Kafka

"The Metamorphosis" is a novella by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915 and one of his best known works. The story begins with a …


Read by David Wood

David Wood

Some legends are true. It is a myth out of history, spawned by Native American lore and the stories of Spanish Explorers. But what if the le…

The Cloud of Unknowing

Read by David Barnes

Anonymoustranslated Byevelyn Underhill and William James Mcglothlin

The Cloud of Unknowing (Middle English: The Cloude of Unknowyng) is an anonymous work of Christian mysticism written in Middle English in th…

Revelations of Divine Love

Read by David Barnes

Julian Of Norwich

Julian of Norwich (c. November 8, 1342 – c. 1416) is considered to be one of the greatest English mystics. Little is known of her life aside…

The Bishop's Secret

Read by David Wales

Fergus Hume

Bishop Pendle is the Church of England bishop in a small fictitious English cathedral town. Several years into his work, he receives a visit…

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