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The First 'Date Painting': On Kawara at Altamira

In Institute for Visual Research

Read by Whitney Davis and Hanneke Grootenboer


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Great Apostasy: Considered in the Light of Scriptural and Secular History

Read by Matthias Whitney

James E. Talmage

Elder James E. Talmage, an apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, makes a survey of the Latter-day Saint view of the Gr…

Butterflies Are Free To Fly

Read by Stephen Davis

Stephen Davis

When Nicolaus Copernicus discovered the Earth wasn’t the center of the Universe, everything changed. When Isaac Newton figured out the law o…

Elizabethan Demonology

Read by Eva Davis

Thomas Alfred Spalding

Elizabethan Demonology: An Essay in Illustration of the Belief in the Existence of Devils, and the Powers Possessed By Them, as It Was Gene…


Read by Eva Davis

Rainer Maria Rilke

A concise collection of poems translated from the great German poet Rilke into formal English verse. Although the translation may be freer t…

The Poems of Sappho: An Interpretative Rendition into English

Read by Eva Davis


Who shall strike the wax of mystery from those priceless amphoræ, and give to the unsophisticated nostrils of the average reader the r…

Corporate Warfare

Read by Kris Davis

Kris Davis

Romance underlines Corporate Warfare – a fast paced novel that deals with corporations bidding on a US proposal. A scheming foreign conglome…

The World of Unicellular

Read by Oleg Seriy and MaRiCaBo

Oleg Seriy and MaRiCaBo

It is the next book of an author of apocalyptic books. It may be said that this book is an adapted version of “Book of Rescue from the Dooms…

Masters of Space

Read by R. J. Davis

E. E. “Doc” Smith

The Masters had ruled all space with an unconquerable iron fist. But the Masters were gone. And this new, young race who came now to take th…

The Time Traders

Read by R. J. Davis

Andre Norton

If it is possible to conquer space, then perhaps it is also possible to conquer time. At least that was the theory American scientists were …

Key Out of Time

Read by R. J. Davis

Andre Norton

This is Book 4 in the Time Traders Series, In this book Ross Murdock and Arthur Ashe continue their adventures in Time and Space on the Worl…

The Defiant Agents

Read by R. J. Davis

Andre Norton

Travis Fox and a band of fellow Apache AmerIndians have their racial memories and survival abilities enhanced by the Redax machine and are s…

Storm Over Warlock

Read by R. J. Davis

Andre Norton

The Throg task force struck the Terran survey camp a few minutes after dawn, without warning, and with a deadly precision which argued that …

Experimental Psychology Department

Read by Larry Weiskrantz and Oliver Braddick

Larry Weiskrantz and Oliver Braddick

University of Oxford Podcasts


Read by Michael Wallace and Jefferey Anderson

Michael Wallace and Jefferey Anderson

Neurosurgeon Julia Nolan places cortical implants into the brains of field operatives to record data from their auditory and visual cortices…

What is Tragedy?

Read by Oliver Taplin and Joshua Billings

Oliver Taplin and Joshua Billings

University of Oxford Podcasts

Ancient Egypt

Read by Richard Parkinson and Barbara Ewing

Richard Parkinson and Barbara Ewing

University of Oxford Podcasts

The World of Art

Read by Donna Kurtz and Sebastian Rahtz

Donna Kurtz and Sebastian Rahtz

University of Oxford Podcasts

What is Translation?

Read by Oliver Taplin and Lorna Hardwick

Oliver Taplin and Lorna Hardwick

University of Oxford Podcasts

The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher

Read by Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock

Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock

University of Oxford Podcasts

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