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Drug Discovery: Your questions

In NDM Public Engagement

Read by Stefan Knapp and Chas Bountra


University of Oxford Podcasts

Drug Discovery

In Translational and Clinical

Read by Chas Bountra


University of Oxford Podcasts

Drug Discovery

In Translational Medicine

Read by Chas Bountra


University of Oxford Podcasts

Why is Oxford Determined to Change the Way We Discover New Medicines?

In Alumni Weekend

Read by Chas Bountra


University of Oxford Podcasts

Oxford at Said Seminar: Drug Discovery

In Entrepreneurship

Read by Vincenzo Libri and Chas Bountra


University of Oxford Podcasts

Why do we need to reconstruct drug discovery?

In Oxford Martin School: Public Lectures and Seminars

Read by Chas Bountra and Javier Lezaun


University of Oxford Podcasts

Kleider machen Leute

Read by Stefan Schmelz

Gottfried Keller

Die Erzählung “Kleider machen Leute” erschien 1874 im zweiten Band des Novellenzyklus “Die Leute von Seldwyla”.Ein arbeitsloser Schneid…

The Dirge of the Sea-Children, and Other Poems

Read by Stefan Von Blon

Kenneth Rand

The first of three volumes of poetry published by Yale English literature graduate Kenneth Rand before his untimely death in 1918 by the Gre…

The World of Unicellular

Read by Oleg Seriy and MaRiCaBo

Oleg Seriy and MaRiCaBo

It is the next book of an author of apocalyptic books. It may be said that this book is an adapted version of “Book of Rescue from the Dooms…

Experimental Psychology Department

Read by Larry Weiskrantz and Oliver Braddick

Larry Weiskrantz and Oliver Braddick

University of Oxford Podcasts


Read by Michael Wallace and Jefferey Anderson

Michael Wallace and Jefferey Anderson

Neurosurgeon Julia Nolan places cortical implants into the brains of field operatives to record data from their auditory and visual cortices…

What is Tragedy?

Read by Oliver Taplin and Joshua Billings

Oliver Taplin and Joshua Billings

University of Oxford Podcasts

Ancient Egypt

Read by Richard Parkinson and Barbara Ewing

Richard Parkinson and Barbara Ewing

University of Oxford Podcasts

The World of Art

Read by Donna Kurtz and Sebastian Rahtz

Donna Kurtz and Sebastian Rahtz

University of Oxford Podcasts

What is Translation?

Read by Oliver Taplin and Lorna Hardwick

Oliver Taplin and Lorna Hardwick

University of Oxford Podcasts