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23 - Book 7, Chapter 6

In The Female Quixote Vol. 2

Read by Jojo Ross

Charlotte Lennox

Second Volume of the novel that formally inverts Don Quixote: as the don mistakes himself for the knightly hero of a Romance, so Arabella mi…


In Gleams of Sunshine

Read by Ross Klatte

Joseph Horatio Chant

This is a volume of religious, and as the subtitle of the book says, 'optimistic' poems by J.H. Chant, a Canadian minister of the United Chu…

Chapter XIX. The Strategical Value of Palestine

In With the Judæans in the Palestine Campaign

Read by Ross Klatte

John Henry Patterson

From the Preface: The formation of a Battalion of Jews for service in the British Army is an event without precedent in our annals, and the …

The Indian's Bride

In Short Poetry Collection 156

Read by Ross Klatte

Edward Coote Pinkney

This is a collection of 29 poems read by LibriVox volunteers for May 2016.

A Daughter of Cuba Libre

In The Mermaid of Druid Lake and Other Stories

Read by Ross Klatte

Charles Weathers Bump and Charles Weathers Bump

A collection of offbeat stories. Some are a bit out of the ordinary as suggested by the title story about a freshwater mermaid; some are not…


In Children of the Night

Read by Ross Klatte

Edwin Arlington Robinson

This is a collection of poems by Edwin Arlington Robinson, titled the Children of the Night, and including, besides the famous title poem, s…