With the Judæans in the Palestine Campaign
John Henry Patterson
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
From the Preface: The formation of a Battalion of Jews for service in the British Army is an event without precedent in our annals, and the part played by such a unique unit is assured of a niche in history owing to the fact that it fought in Palestine, not only for the British cause, but also for the Restoration of the Jewish people to the Promised Land. - Summary by J. H. Patterson (6 hr 40 min)
Promised land?
If there was a promised land it would certainly be for the entire population of the planet without national borders. The idea isn't even a myth but an excuse for the slaughters in Deut. if that is even based on fact.
good sound quality
A LibriVox Listener
wish more nice historic texts and sources on Librevox There are some more on Egyptian Exped. Force
Anti-Semitism within the UK military around the time of the Balfour Declaration is revealed.
Valuble historical text, well written and well read.