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Food-Free at Last: How I Learned to Eat Air

Read by Dr. Robert Jones MD PhD DDS ODD

Dr. Robert Jones MD PhD DDS ODD

Food is a drug. Break the shackles of addiction and learn to eat air! In this detailed guide, Dr. Robert Jones, MD, PhD, DDS, ODD gives you …

When Love Is Not Perfect

Read by Dr. Marie Sontag

Dr. Marie Sontag

Statistics show that as many as one out of every four adults experienced childhood abuse. Therapists agree that a key element in recovery f…

Kitab Adab al-Dunya w'al-Din (The Ethics of Religion and of this World)

Read by Youssef Safiljil (Dr. Fighter)

Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Habib al-Mawardi

Al-Mawardi (Alboacen) was one of the famous Islamic authors and jurists. He was a well-known man in the “Abbassid” empire—a mature thinker w…

Spirits in Bondage

Read by Robert Garrison

C. S. Lewis

Spirits in Bondage is C.S. Lewis’s first book and the first of his works to be available in the public domain. It was released in 1919 unde…

The Seventh Man

Read by Robert Keiper

Max Brand

The Seventh Man by Max Brand, tells part of the story of the larger-than-life western character, Dan Barry, known as “Whistling Dan,” and hi…

The Three Great Virtues - Three Essays by Emerson

Read by Robert Scott

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Faith Hope and Charity ...... In the Language of Emerson these translate as: Self - Reliance, Love, and Friendship. (summary by Robert Scott…

The Window at the White Cat

Read by Robert Keiper

Mary Roberts Rinehart

When a clumsy, well-meaning lawyer gets involved with a pair of delightful old maids and a beautiful girl, he must acquire some of the skill…


Read by Robert Foster


Aristotle’s Poetics from the 4th century B.C. aims to give a short study of storytelling. It discusses things like unity of plot, reversal o…

Old Indian Legends

Read by Robert Scott


Fourteen Old Indian Legends by Native American (Dakota) Author Zitkala-sa. These Legends feature the exploits of Iktomi the Native American …

A Study In Scarlet (version 5)

Read by Robert Dixon

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"A Study in Scarlet" is the first ever Sherlock Holmes story split into two quite distinctive parts. The first part is told from …

The Hunting of the Snark

Read by Robert Garrison

Lewis Carroll

This is a whimsical poem that takes the reader on a sailing hunt for the mythical Snark. The Bellman, the Butcher, the Baker, the Beaver and…

The Cruise of the Dazzler

Read by Robert Keiper

Jack London

Young Joe Bronson, caught between poor grades and his father's threats of military school, runs away from home. He joins the crew of a sloop…

Bible (ASV) 21: Ecclesiastes

Read by Robert Garrison

American Standard Version

Ecclesiastes (or The Preacher) is the twenty-first book of The Bible. The author of this book is unknown but is considered by many biblical …

Bible (ASV) 18: Job

Read by Robert Garrison

American Standard Version

The Book of Job (American Standard Version) is presented in forty-two chapters and is one of the Old Testament Wisdom Books. The narrative c…

Bible (ASV) 22: Song of Solomon

Read by Robert Garrison

American Standard Version

The Song of Songs is the twenty-second book of The Bible and was authored by Solomon. In some translations, this book is entitled The Song o…

The Valley of Decision

Read by Robert Keiper

Edith Wharton

Odo Valsecca, a promising nobleman, inherits a dukedom at a young age and, over the course of his young life, must quickly learn the politic…

Teddy's Button (Version 2)

Read by Robert Harder

Amy Le Feuvre

Teddy loves to tell the story of how his father heroically died on the battlefield and guards his button jealously. But this brings contenti…