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The Sleeping Beauty

In The Fir-Tree Fairy Book

Read by Carrie-Lorraine Sherry

Clifton Johnson

In this volume, Clifton Johnson has compiled his favourite fairy tales. We hear a lot of animals, because fairy tales with animals in them a…

Going Home

In Fruits of the Spirit

Read by Carrie-Lorraine Sherry

Hamilton Wright Mabie

A collection of essays written by the renowned lecturer and author during the First World War, when he was quite depressed. The general them…

Sonnet 29, Read by CLS

In Shakespeare Sonnet 29

Read by Carrie-Lorraine Sherry

William Shakespeare

LibriVox volunteers bring you 32 recordings of Sonnet 29 by William Shakespeare.This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for April 23, 2019.…

The Bowes Tragedy

In Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England

Read by Carrie-Lorraine Sherry


This traditional, and, for the most part, unprinted literature,—cherished in remote villages, resisting everywhere the invasion of modern na…


Read by Sherry Crowther

Jane Austen

Sherry reads Jane Austen’s sparkling comedy of manners with wit and vivacity, and brings the characters to life. Mr. Woodhouse worries and f…

Scottish Ghost Stories

Read by Sherry Morrow

Elliott O'Donnell

A public domain collection of Scottish Ghost tales by Elliott O'Donnell. 1911 - Summary by Sherry Morrow

The Haunted Ship

Read by Carrie B. Gorman

Kate Marion Tucker

Summer adventures on the Coast of Maine. - Summary by Carrie Gorman


Read by Carrie B. Gorman

Bertha B. Cobb and Ernest Cobb

An orphan is found by police and taken to a children's home. In the summer she is sent to the country where a surprise awaits her. - Summary…


In Adventures of the Runaway Rocking Chair

Read by Carrie

Howard R. Garis

More exciting adventures by that wonderful author of children books, Howard Garis. - Summary by Philip Chenevert


In Essays book 1

Read by Lorraine B

Michel de Montaigne and Michel Eyquem De Montaigne

Michel Eyquem de Montaigne is one of the most influential writers of the French Renaissance, known for popularising the essay as a literary …

Inaugural Lecture - Nature's Revenge: A History of Risk, Responsibility, and Rea…

In Humanitas - Visiting Professorships at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge

Read by Lorraine Daston


University of Oxford Podcasts

04 - A Letter and a Meeting

In The Gate of the Giant Scissors

Read by Carrie Heyes

Annie Fellows Johnston

This is the story of Joyce, an American girl who has been sent abroad to France to study, and of her adventures in France, - the wonderful h…

04 - The Ghost of Captain Brand (part 2)

In Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates

Read by Carrie Heyes

Howard Pyle

Swashbuckling tales of legendary pirates, buccaneers, and marooners, terrors of the Spanish Main.(Summary by Epistomolus)

If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking - Read by CLH

In If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking

Read by Carrie Heyes

Emily Dickinson

LibriVox volunteers bring you 12 recordings of If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking by Emily Dickinson. This was the Weekly Poetry project …

III Comparison of the Mental Powers of Man and Lower Animals pt.3

In The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, Part 1

Read by Carrie Heyes

Charles Darwin

A book on evolutionary theory by English naturalist Charles Darwin, first published in 1871. It was Darwin's second great book on evolutiona…

Anne to the Rescue

In Anne of Green Gables

Read by Sherry Crowther

L.M. Montgomery and Lucy Maud Montgomery

Lucy Maud Montgomery’s classic children’s novel, Anne of Green Gables tells the story of a red headed orphan girl with a personality you can…