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FMR 45 Perspectives of refugees on returning to Somalia

In Forced Migration Review

Read by Caroline Abu Sa’Da and Sergio Bianchi


University of Oxford Podcasts

Heidi, une histoire pour les enfants et pour ceux qui les aiment

Read by Caroline Sophie

Johanna Spyri

Une petite fille orpheline, Heidi, est amenée par sa tante chez son grand-père qui habite isolé sur l’Alpe, loin des ho…

Emily Fox-Seton

Read by Caroline Driggs

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Have you ever wondered what happened to Cinderella after she married the prince? Have you ever asked yourself if it was really "happy e…


Read by Caroline Driggs

E. M. Delafield

Set in late Victorian England, “Consequences” follows the life of Alexandra Clare, a girl born into an upper class Catholic London family. R…

The Fox That Wanted Nine Golden Tails

Read by Caroline Lilyard

Kathleen Gray Nelson

A fox aspires to reach his 1000th birthday safely and be rewarded with nine golden tails in this wise and charming fairytale.


Read by Sergio Baldelli

Giacomo Leopardi

La prima edizione dei Canti fu pubblicata a Napoli, curata dall'autore, nel 1835. Superficialmente sarebbe potuta apparire un'ennesima racco…


Read by Sergio Baldelli

Giovanni Pascoli

Myricae, è la raccolta di poesie più amata dal Pascoli. [...] Nel 1903, la raccolta definitiva comprendeva 156 liriche del poe…

Canti orfici

Read by Sergio Baldelli

Dino Campana

Tra il 1912 e il 1913 Campana compone i versi che diventeranno poi (dopo alterne vicende e diverse riscritture) la sua opera più sign…

Canzoniere (Rerum vulgarium fragmenta), vol. 1

Read by Sergio Baldelli

Francesco Petrarca

Il Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca è stata una grande "rivoluzione" nella letteratura europea in volgare: è il prim…

I Colloqui

Read by Sergio Baldelli

Guido Gustavo Gozzano

Abbandonati gli studi giuridici nel 1908 [Gozzano] si dedica completamente alla poesia e nel 1911 pubblica il suo più importante libr…

The World of Unicellular

Read by Oleg Seriy and MaRiCaBo

Oleg Seriy and MaRiCaBo

It is the next book of an author of apocalyptic books. It may be said that this book is an adapted version of “Book of Rescue from the Dooms…

Experimental Psychology Department

Read by Larry Weiskrantz and Oliver Braddick

Larry Weiskrantz and Oliver Braddick

University of Oxford Podcasts


Read by Michael Wallace and Jefferey Anderson

Michael Wallace and Jefferey Anderson

Neurosurgeon Julia Nolan places cortical implants into the brains of field operatives to record data from their auditory and visual cortices…

What is Tragedy?

Read by Oliver Taplin and Joshua Billings

Oliver Taplin and Joshua Billings

University of Oxford Podcasts

Ancient Egypt

Read by Richard Parkinson and Barbara Ewing

Richard Parkinson and Barbara Ewing

University of Oxford Podcasts

The World of Art

Read by Donna Kurtz and Sebastian Rahtz

Donna Kurtz and Sebastian Rahtz

University of Oxford Podcasts

What is Translation?

Read by Oliver Taplin and Lorna Hardwick

Oliver Taplin and Lorna Hardwick

University of Oxford Podcasts

The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher

Read by Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock

Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock

University of Oxford Podcasts

A Mathematician's Holiday

Read by Thomas Woolley and William Binzi

Thomas Woolley and William Binzi

University of Oxford Podcasts

The Body and Being Network

Read by Rebecca Leach and Stanely Ulijaszek

Rebecca Leach and Stanely Ulijaszek

University of Oxford Podcasts

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