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07 - The Party at the Milan

In An Amiable Charlatan

Read by Barbara Edelman

E. Phillips Oppenheim

An Englishman is enjoying his dinner at Stephano's, at which he is a regular diner. A man enters quickly, sits at his table, starts eating h…

chapter 22

In Lady Rose's Daughter

Read by Barbara Edelman

Mrs. Humphry Ward and Mary Augusta Ward

"Julie Le Breton enchants almost everyone around her with her smart, charm, and excellent manners. She almost belongs to the English hi…

10 - Chapter 9

In Elsie's Womanhood

Read by Barbara Edelman

Martha Finley

The fourth book in the Elsie Dinsmore series, Elsie grows into a young woman. She marries her father's old friend, Edward Travilla, and toge…

02 - The Adventure of the Supercilious Attache'

In Miss Cayley's Adventures

Read by Barbara Edelman

Grant Allen

Fun stories of Miss Lois Cayley, independent young woman, as she, beginning with only twopence in her pocket, travels the world. (Summary by…

07 - Plunging Ahead, Part 1

In Ten Days that Shook the World

Read by Barbara Edelman

John Reed

Ten Days that Shook the World (1919) is a book by American journalist and socialist John Reed about the October Revolution in Russia in 1917…

The Creating Formula

Read by Barbara Joye

Barbara Joye

You have been told that you create your own reality …You have read all about the Law of Attraction …You have heard and seen how some individ…

Discourses: Biological and Geological

Read by Barbara Baker

Thomas Henry Huxley

Thomas Henry Hux­ley was an English biologist (comparative anatomist). He was the most effective supporter of Darwin's Theory of Evoluti…

The English Language

Read by Barbara Baker

Logan Pearsall Smith

A description and history of the development of the English Language and reflections on the influences that changed the language. - Summary …

The Novels of Jane Austen

Read by Barbara Baker

George Henry Lewes

An 1859 essay by the prominent philosopher and literary critic, G. H. Lewes, who was an enthusiastic promoter of the novels of Jane Austen a…

The Life of Samuel Johnson, Vol. I (version 2)

Read by Barbara Baker

James Boswell

This is the first of four volumes of a what was a new, intimate, type of biography when it was first published in 1791 and which has been an…

Hieroglyphic Tales

Read by Barbara Baker

Horace Walpole

Surreal and satirical, these stories by the eighteenth century man of letters, Whig politician, art historian and antiquarian are '"...…

Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay

Read by Barbara Baker

Thomas Babington Macaulay

An review essay of "Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay". The Edinburgh Review, January, 1843. Reprinted in vol. iii of Macaulay'…

Recollections of the Revolution and the Empire

Read by Barbara Baker

Henriette Lucie Dillon, marquise de La Tour du Pin Gouvernet

An aristocratic Frenchwoman's personal record of the dazzling extravagance of the Ancien Régime, of the court of Marie Antoinette, of…

Italian Hours

Read by Barbara Baker

Henry James

A loving recollection of the writer’s experiences, over many decades, of Italian places, people and art. - Summary by barbara2

Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia and Letter to a Friend

Read by Barbara Baker

Thomas Browne

Selections from the varied writings of a 17th century English doctor with a well-stocked mind, an interest in the new science of his age and…

The Desirable Alien at Home in Germany

Read by Barbara Baker

Ford Madox Ford and Violet Hunt

A travel journal of a year the author spent in Germany. With a preface and two additional chapters by her partner, the novelist Ford Madox F…

Horace Walpole's Letters: a selection

Read by Barbara Baker

Horace Walpole

Horace Walpole, 4th earl of Orford, was a cultivated participant in, and observer of, the social and political life of Georgian England. His…

The Life of Samuel Johnson, Vol. II (version 2)

Read by Barbara Baker

James Boswell

This is the second of four volumes of a what was a new, intimate, type of biography when it was first published in 1791 and which has been a…