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Oxford Today with Michael Palin

Read by Michael Palin

Michael Palin

University of Oxford Podcasts


Read by Michael MacTaggert

Countee Cullen

Countee Cullen’s poetry in Color contemplates Black Americans’ fractured sense of self—at once spiritually tied to homelands where their anc…

Don Rodriguez; Chronicles of Shadow Valley (Version 2)

Read by Michael Broschat

Lord Dunsany

Dunsany's first novel, begun during WWI. It is set in Spain's Golden Age, and features the adventures of Don Rodrigues as he sets out to see…

Your Bridge To Money

Read by Michael Sean Finley

Michael Sean Finley

Your Bridge To Money is a life guide for your personal finances. The Author is an average guy who simply has a passion for personal finance…

A User's Manual for the Human Experience

Read by Michael W. Dean

Michael W. Dean

Learn to block and delete idiots from your life. Remove addiction to bad people, drugs, alcohol, government and more (WITHOUT MEETINGS!) The…

The Spiral Tattoo

Read by Michael J. Parry

Michael J. Parry

When you're six inches tall and can fly, life can be tough in a big persons world. What better then than to be partnered with a seven foot t…

The Willows

Read by Michael Thomas Robinson

Algernon Blackwood

A tale of horror in which a pleasant sojourn down the Danube tumbles terrifyingly awry as the veil between this world and an unfathomably we…

The Oaks Grove

Read by Michael J. Parry

Michael J. Parry

It was going to be a quiet weekend in the country. Elanore was going to spend it chatting with courtly gents about matters of higher importa…

The Crown Conspiracy

Read by Michael J. Sullivan

Michael J. Sullivan

They killed the king. They pinned it on two men. They chose poorly. There's no ancient evil to defeat, no orphan destined for greatness, jus…


Read by Michael Thomas Robinson

Guy de Maupassant

The first significant published short story of French author Guy de Maupassant, and generally acknowledged as his greatest work, "Ball-…

Canadian Wonder Tales

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Cyrus Macmillan

This is a collection of folk tales originating in Canada, some from aboriginal oral tradition and others due to early French, Scottish, Iris…

Deep Thoughts

Read by Michael R. Mennenga

Michael R. Mennenga

Short-form Humor from the mind of Michael R. Mennenga. Editorial on daily life and the human condition.

The Unsolved Riddle of Social Justice

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Stephen Leacock

This lengthy political essay by noted Canadian humourist Stephen Leacock was written while he was professor of political economy at McGill U…

Thank God For Plan B, Because Plan A Didn't Work - Vol 1

Read by Michael Mahue Moore

Michael Mahue Moore

I believe that in everyone's life there is “PLAN A” and a “PLAN B”; however, not in the traditional sense as in having a backup plan, but ra…


Read by Michael Thomas Cunningham

Michael Thomas Cunningham

A journey tale about love, loss, and what it truly means to come home. Christy, a woman hardened by the streets and clinging to a life of…

Adrift on an Ice-Pan

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Sir Wilfred Grenfell

This autobiographical work describes the author's harrowing experience caught on a small drifting piece of ice, while crossing a frozen bay …

Le Petit Nord

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Anne Maclanahan Grenfell

A collection of letters from Anne (MacLanahan) Grenfell, future wife of Sir Wilfred Grenfell, regarding her year of missionary service at th…

Ballads of Lost Haven: A Book of the Sea

Read by Sean Michael Hogan

Bliss Carman

This collection of lyric poems evokes the sea in every line, from birth (A Son of the Sea) to death (Outbound). The smells, sights and sound…


Read by Michael Wallace and Jefferey Anderson

Michael Wallace and Jefferey Anderson

Neurosurgeon Julia Nolan places cortical implants into the brains of field operatives to record data from their auditory and visual cortices…

The Zaharoff Lecture

Read by Dominique Rabaté and Michael Sheringham

Dominique Rabaté and Michael Sheringham

University of Oxford Podcasts

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