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1 - Part 1

In Lysistrata

Read by a volunteer


Lysistrata read by a group of college students.First performed in classical Athens c. 411 B.C.E., Aristophanes’ “Lysistrata” is the original…

The Sermon on the Mount - Commentary

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. John Chrysostom

Saint John Chrysostom's Homilies 15-25, on the Gospel of Saint Matthew, expound upon Matthew Chapters 5-7, known as The Sermon on the Mount,…

The Birth, Baptism, Temptation, and Early Ministry of Jesus Christ - Commentary…

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. John Chrysostom

Homilies 1 - 14 of Saint John Chrysostom's commentary on the Gospel according to Saint Matthew, which include the wondrous birth, baptism, t…

The Parables of the Lord Jesus Christ - Commentary on the Gospel of St Matthew

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. John Chrysostom

Homilies 44 though 64 of St John Chrysostom's commentary on the Holy Gospel according to St Matthew, which include the parables and teaching…

The Miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ - Commentary on the Gospel of St Matthew

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. John Chrysostom

Homilies 25 though 43 of St John Chrysostom's commentary of the Holy Gospel according to St Matthew, which include the miracles and teaching…

Bible (KJV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Wisdom of Solomon

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

King James Version

In the Orthodox Church, during the Great Vespers of celebrated Saints, such as Saint Nicholas the Wonder-worker and the Holy Great Martyr Eu…

The Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ - Commentary on the Gospel …

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. John Chrysostom

Homilies 65 though 90 of St John Chrysostom's commentary on the Holy Gospel according to St Matthew, which include the death and resurrectio…

Fifty Spiritual Homilies of St Macarius the Egyptian

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer


Macarius the Great of Egypt (c. 300 – 391) was one of the Desert Fathers of early Christian history. A wealth of wisdom and joy can be found…

My Life in Christ: Extracts from the Diary of Saint John of Kronstadt

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

Saint John Of Kronstadt

Moments of Spiritual Serenity and Contemplation,of Reverent Feeling, of Earnest Self-Amendment,and of Peace in God.

The Life of Saint Macrina

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. Gregory of Nyssa

The poignant biography of Saint Macrina, by her brother, Saint Gregory of Nyssa. (The Reader)“The use of the word "philosophy" to …

The Lausiac History

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer


The Lausiac History (Historia Lausiaca) is a seminal work archiving the Desert Fathers (early Christian monks who lived in the Egyptian dese…

Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book 2

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. Cyril of Alexandria and Cyril Of Alexandria

Book 2 of Commentary on St John's Gospel covers John 1:29 - 5:34. (Summary by the reader)

Funeral Oration on Meletius

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. Gregory of Nyssa

Saint Meletius was Patriarch of Antioch from 360 until his death in 381. One of his last acts was to preside over the First Council of Const…

Scholia on the Incarnation of the Only-Begotten

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. Cyril of Alexandria and Cyril Of Alexandria

Thirty-seven short articles discussing "What is Christ?" ( The Reader)

Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book 3

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. Cyril of Alexandria and Cyril Of Alexandria

Book 3 of Commentary on St John's Gospel covers John 5:35- 6:37, as well as a look at the prophecy contained in Deut. 18:15-19. (Summary by …

Funeral Orations

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

Gregory Of Nazianzus

Gregory the Theologian, also known as Gregory Nazianzen (which name also refers to his father,) was a 4th-century Archbishop of Constantinop…

Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book 4

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. Cyril of Alexandria and Cyril Of Alexandria

Book 4 of Commentary on St John's Gospel covers John 6:38 - 7:24.

Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book 5

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

St. Cyril of Alexandria and Cyril Of Alexandria

Book 5 of Commentary on St John's Gospel covers John 7:25 - 8:43. However, St Cyril was working with a New Testament manuscript which did no…

Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book 6

Read by A LibriVox Volunteer

Cyril Of Alexandria

Book 6 of Commentary on St John's Gospel covers John 8:44 - 10:17. (Summary by the reader)