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The Lion's Story of His Narrow Escape

In The Bear Family at Home

Read by JayS

Curtis D. Wilbur

THE BEAR FAMILY AT HOME -And How the Circus Came to Visit ThemOnce a little cub bear was caught in a big log trap, and taken on a train to a…

The Bird in the Garden

In The Ghost Ship & Other Stories

Read by JayS

Richard Middleton

Richard Middleton is one of the many authors who, despite great merit, have been almost entirely forgotten today. This English author was an…

Two scenes from the Civil War, by G. P. R. James

In The Rover Vol. 01 No. 17

Read by JayS

Lawrence Labree and Seba Smith

"The Rover: A weekly magazine of tales, poetry and engravings, original and selected" was a magazine started in 1843 by Seba Smith…

Book 3 Chapter 9. The law of equality

In The Spirits' Book

Read by JayS

Allan Kardec

The Spirits' Book, published in French in 1857, is considered the most important book in the Spiritist philosophy. It contains the bases for…

Chapter 12

In The Green Millennium

Read by JayS

Fritz Leiber

From the classic science-fiction and fantasy author Fritz Leiber comes this intriguing tale of a green cat. From the author's introduction:…

A Hunting Trip

In An Earthman on Venus

Read by JayS

Ralph Milne Farley

When Myles Cabot accidentally transmitted himself to the planet Venus, he found himself naked and bewildered on a mystery world where every …

In a tiger trap, by Charles Edward Barns

In The Black Cat Vol. 01 No. 01 October 1895

Read by JayS


The Black Cat (1895-1922) was a monthly literary magazine, publishing original short stories, often about uncanny or fantastical topics. Man…

Danny Fox

In Little Jack Rabbit and Chippy Chipmunk

Read by JayS

David Cory

David Cory is the author of over 50 children's book including the Little Jack Rabbit series and the Puss-in-Boots series. This is the fourth…

Sic transit--

In Hints to Pilgrims

Read by JayS

Charles S. Brooks

In this collection of 17 short essays, Charles S. Brooks (1878-1934), with the usual panache and wit, which he also displays in his comedies…

The Smoky God or a Voyage to the Inner World

Read by JaySands

Willis George Emerson

The Smoky God, or A Voyage Journey to the Inner Earth is the narrative of an aged Norwegian sailor compelled before he dies to tell the stor…