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Der neue Columbus

In Sammlung deutscher Gedichte 001

Read by Christoph Duda

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche and Friedrich Nietzsche

Eine Sammlung 20 deutscher Gedichte für LibriVox.

Die Sphinx

In Short Story Collection Vol. 015

Read by Christoph Duda

Edgar Allan Poe

LibriVox’s Short Story Collection 015: a collection of 10 short works of fiction in the public domain read by a variety of LibriVox members.

Vogel Urtheil

In Multilingual Poetry Collection 011

Read by Christoph Duda

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche and Friedrich Nietzsche

In LibriVox’s Multilingual Poetry Collection, LibriVox volunteers read their favourite public-domain poems in languages other than English. …

From the Life of a Good-For-Nothing

Read by Christoph Stangenberg

Joseph Von Eichendorff

The main character leaves his parental home to earn his own livelihood. During his journey, he falls in love with Aurelie but believes she i…

The Cold Heart

Read by Christoph Stangenberg

Wilhelm Hauff

Dissatisfied with his life of poverty, Peter Munk, a poor charcoal burner, summons an ancient spirit who rewards him with three wishes. His …

A spirit of scientific rigour: Koch's postulates and 20th century medicine: GTC …

In Green Templeton College

Read by Christoph Gradmann


University of Oxford Podcasts

Chapter 17: A School of Art

In The Newcomes

Read by Christoph Stangenberg

William Makepeace Thackeray

The Newcomes: Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family was written in serial form in 1854- 1855 by the author of such works as Vanity Fair, The …

Chapter VI, pt 1

In Antonia

Read by Christoph Stangenberg

George Sand

Will love conquer all? An entertaining novel of growth in light of societal pressures of propriety, finance and inheritance of 19th century …

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