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Bushido: The Soul of Japan

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Inazō Nitobe

Bushido: The Soul of Japan written by Inazo Nitobe was one of the first books on samurai ethics that was originally written in English for a…

Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane

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Alfred Wegener

Dies ist das erste Buch, in dem Alfred Wegener seine Theorie der Kontinentalverschiebung darlegt. Zeit seines Lebens wurde diese Theorie gr&…

A Tangled Tale

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Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll is best known for 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'. It is less widely known that he worked as a lecturer for mathematics at …

Among the Tibetans

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Isabella L. Bird

Isabella L. Bird was an English traveller, writer and natural historian. She was travelling in the Far East alone at a time when such endeav…

Unbeaten Tracks in Japan

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Isabella L. Bird

Isabella Lucy Bird was a 19th century English traveller, writer, and natural historian. She was a sickly child, however, while she was trave…

The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained

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Henry Parker Manning

In January 1909 a friend of the Scientific American paid the sum of 500$ which was to be awarded as a prize for the best popular explanation…

Radioactive Substances

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Marie Curie

Marie Curie, born in Warsaw in 1867, was a Polish-French physicist and chemist famous for her work on radioactivity. She was a pioneer in th…

The Einstein Theory of Relativity

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Hendrik A. Lorentz

When Albert Einstein published his first paper on relativity theory, it caused a stir in the physicists' community. When more and more evide…

The Tosa Diary

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No Tsurayuki Ki

Ki no Tsurayuki was a Japanese waka poet of the Heian period. In 905, he was one of the poets ordered to compile the "Kokinshu - Collec…

Der Arme Spielmann

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Franz Grillparzer

Auf dem Weg zur Brigittenauer Kirchweihe fällt dem Erzähler ein alter Geigenspieler auf. Durch ein kurzes Gespräch neugierig …

The Chemical History of A Candle

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Michael Faraday

The Chemical History of a Candle is a series of 6 lectures on chemistry presented to a juvenile audience in 1848. Taught by Michael Faraday …

Das Kloster bei Sendomir

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Franz Grillparzer

Zwei Ritter treffen spät in der Nacht im Kloster von Sendomir ein und bitten dort um Unterschlupf, der ihnen gewährt wird. Von ein…

Noli Me Tangere (The Social Cancer)

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José Rizal

Noli Me Tangere (Latin for Touch Me Not) is a novel by the National Hero of the Philippines, Dr. José Rizal. It was originally writte…

196 Tage auf treibender Eisscholle

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Emil Bessels

Am 29. Juni 1871 stach das Schiff » Polaris« von New York unter Kapitän Franz C. Hall in See zur Erforschung des Hochnorden…

Die Stadt ohne Juden

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Hugo Bettauer

In Wien hat man das Problem des Antisemitismus gelöst: Die Juden haben bis zum Ende des Jahres Zeit, Österreich zu verlassen. Die …

The Early History of the Airplane

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Orville Wright

The Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air flight, on 17th December 1903. They…


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Sōseki Natsume

Botchan is the story of a young math teacher from Tokyo whose first assignment takes him to a middle school in the country side. His arrival…

Experiments in Plant Hybridisation

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Gregor Mendel

Gregor Mendel was an Augustinian monk in the St. Thomas monastery in Brno. His seminal paper "Experiments in Plant Hybridization" …

Madame Butterfly

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John Luther Long

Madame Butterfly is the story of the young Japanese girl Cho-Cho San, who marries a flighty American naval officer, and is thenceforth outca…

Leutnant Gustl

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Arthur Schnitzler

Am Ende eines gelangweilt verfolgten Konzerts drängt Leutnant Gustl erleichtert zum Ausgang und gerät an der Garderobe mit einem i…

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