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Dixie Kitten

Read by James R. Hedrick

Eva March Tappan

From the time that Dixie is a mere fluff of a kitten, domiciled in the barn, through her hardships and worries as a mother-cat, up to the pr…

Marion, the Story of an Artist's Model

Read by James K. White

Onoto Watanna

In this Asian/Canadian perspective on "foreignness," Marion (the protagonist) eventually leaves the cruelty of racial discriminati…

Ten Kittens

Read by James R. Hedrick

G. A. Puckett

The stories of the ten kittens told in this book are true to life. They have been gathered from here and there over the country. All the kit…

Piano Tuning: A Simple and Accurate Method for Amateurs

Read by James R. Hedrick

Jerry Cree Fischer

This is a primer for anyone wishing to learn how to tune and maintain their own piano or to become a piano tuner. Written in 1907, it was ta…

Little Dog Ready: How He Lost Himself in the Big World

Read by James R. Hedrick

Mabel F. Stryker

A delightful story for children about a dog's adventures with his animal friends in the wide world. - Summary by jhedrick

Shakespeare at the Globe, 1599-1609

Read by James R. Hedrick

Bernard Beckerman

One of the most important pieces of Shakespearian scholarship to appear in several years, this brilliant work offers new perspectives on the…

Twinkle Toes and His Magic Mittens

Read by James R. Hedrick

Laura Rountree Smith

Another delightful Laura Rountree Smith children's book. Illustrated by F. R. MorganWe are three little kittensWho once lost our mittensThe …

Puppies and kittens and other stories

Read by James R. Hedrick

Carine Cadby

Four stories about animals, primarily puppies and kittens, doing absolutely adorable and silly things - Summary by James R Hedrick

J. M. Synge and the Ireland of His Time

Read by Kyle James Maclean

William Butler Yeats

William Butler Yeats recounts his experiences with friend and colleague, John Millington Synge. - Summary by Kyle James Maclean

Stanton White: A Romance of the New South

Read by James K. White

Asa Zadel Hall

In this tome the Northern narrator, Harold Edson, visits the American South with his college friend, Stanton White, in order to study first …

Border Raids and Reivers

Read by James R. Hedrick

Robert Borland

A history of southern Scots families (reivers). "There are few more remarkable phenomena in the political or social life of Scotland th…

On Building a Theatre

Read by James R. Hedrick

Irving Pichel

As people live in a house, Or work, day after day, in a store or factory or public building, they become used to inconveniences, bad arrange…

The Radio Cop

Read by James R. Hedrick

Vic Whitman

Now he was not only a police announcer, but a news reporter, and the biggest story of the year was breaking right under his nose. As he desc…

Jamestown and Her Neighbors on Virginia's Historic Peninsula

Read by James R. Hedrick

Jane E. Davis

A brief history of the early years of the historic Virginia Peninsula lying between the James and the York Rivers and extending from Richmon…

A Midsummer Night's Dream - Asleep My Love (Act 05, Scene 01)

In Shakespeare Monologues Collection vol. 06

Read by James

William Shakespeare

LibriVox readers present the sixth collection of monologues from Shakespeare’s plays. Containing 20 parts. William Shakespeare (April 26, 15…

Tact - Read by JJ

In Tact

Read by James

Ralph Waldo Emerson

LibriVox volunteers bring you 19 recordings of Tact by Ralph Waldo Emerson. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for April 22, 2012.Ralph…

The Meeting

In Short Poetry Collection 057

Read by Mark Smith

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

LibriVox's Short Poetry Collection 057: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

The Three Fishers

In Short Poetry Collection 056

Read by Mark Smith

Charles Kingsley

LibriVox's Short Poetry Collection 056: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

15-1 - Passage of the Cordillera

In The Voyage of the Beagle

Read by Gavin Smith

Charles Darwin

The book, also known as Darwin's Journal of Researches, is a vivid and exciting travel memoir as well as a detailed scientific field journal…

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