Stanton White: A Romance of the New South

Read by James K. White

(4 stars; 2 reviews)

In this tome the Northern narrator, Harold Edson, visits the American South with his college friend, Stanton White, in order to study first hand the social conditions of African Americans during the post-reconstruction era. Edson describes encounters with racist whites whose attacks on African Americans are vicious and unrepentant.

This narrative reflects primitive ideas about race that prevailed in the 19th century United States--above and below the Mason-Dixon--and a level of ignorance that, to a 21st century listener, may be difficult to fully appreciate. But in fact, many of the notions Hall visits in the text continue to echo today reminding us that race has always been a foundation upon which this country was built. (Summary by James K. White) (5 hr 31 min)


Dedication and Forward 2:22 Read by James K. White
Chapter I, The Attack 14:53 Read by James K. White
Chapter II, The Flight 21:12 Read by James K. White
Chapter III, Recaptured 8:25 Read by James K. White
Chapter IV, School Days 20:34 Read by James K. White
Chapter V, A Distinguished Visitor 12:10 Read by James K. White
Chapter VI, Florida, Ho! 6:57 Read by James K. White
Chapter VII, A Day In St. Augustine 16:47 Read by James K. White
Chapter VIII, Halifax By The Sea 22:35 Read by James K. White
Chapter IX, Camp Life 15:17 Read by James K. White
Chapter X, Plantation Life 13:33 Read by James K. White
Chapter XI, Hunting the Alligator 12:08 Read by James K. White
Chapter XII, Shadows 16:02 Read by James K. White
Chapter XIII, Gleams From the Darkness 22:48 Read by James K. White
Chapter XIV, Lead, Kindly Light 13:35 Read by James K. White
Chapter XV, A Plantation Meeting House 15:33 Read by James K. White
Chapter XVI, The Great Campaign 5:28 Read by James K. White
Chapter XVII, News From the Front 9:34 Read by James K. White
Chapter XVIII, The Poisoned Melon 8:45 Read by James K. White
Chapter XIX, To The Storm-Center 8:57 Read by James K. White
Chapter XX, A Changed Program 12:29 Read by James K. White
Chapter XXI, The Mass Meeting 37:14 Read by James K. White
Chapter XXII, For The New South 14:08 Read by James K. White