Search Results

Version 9

In Spring and Fall

Read by Lisa Stahley

Gerard Manley Hopkins

LibriVox volunteers bring you eleven different recordings of Spring and Fall, by Gerard Manley Hopkins. This was the weekly poetry project f…

I Malavoglia

Read by Lisa Caputo

Giovanni Verga

I Malavoglia è il titolo del romanzo più conosciuto dello scrittore siciliano Giovanni Verga, pubblicato a Milano dall'editore…

His Masterpiece

Read by Lisa Reichert

Émile Zola

“His Masterpiece" (“L’Oeuvre”) is a fictionalized account of the Parisian art world in the mid 19th century, and the emerging Realism, …

A Woman's Life

Read by Lisa Reichert

Guy de Maupassant

Having spent her girlhood at a convent getting a good education, Jeanne has just returned home and is a happy young woman full of hope and e…

The Hound From the North

Read by Lisa Reichert

Ridgwell Cullum

Gold! Opium! Love! Murder! Revenge! Prairie intrigue at its best:Prudence helps her mother run a ranch in southern Manitoba. Her brother has…

The Sorrows of Satan - Or, the Strange Experience of One Geoffrey Tempest, Mill…

Read by Lisa Statler

Marie Corelli

In this 1895 Faustian novel by British author Marie Corelli, we follow the journey of Geoffrey Tempest. Initially a starving and penniless w…

Tales of the Uneasy

Read by Lisa Reichert

Violet Hunt

Nine twisty-turny tales of tragic human drama, played out in Victorian parlors, death beds and lonely country roads. This collection of Viol…

WRIGHTALES Fairy Tales for Grown Ups

Read by Lisa Wright

Lisa Wright

Wrightales are original fairy tales for grownups who have never quite grown up written and read by Lisa Wright. Though they follow the conve…

White Rose of Weary Leaf

Read by Lisa Reichert

Violet Hunt

Isobel Violet Hunt was a British author renowned for her literary salons, which hosted such notables as H.G. Wells, D.H. Laurence, Henry Jam…

The Life Everlasting: A Reality of Romance

Read by Lisa Statler

Marie Corelli

Marie Corelli's book The Life Everlasting examines the world of past lives, mysticism, secret societies and twin souls against a backdrop of…

No Surrender

Read by Lisa Reichert

Constance Elizabeth Maud

Written from the midst of the struggle for female suffrage, Constance Elizabeth Maud’s novel No Surrender (1911) is a Call to Arms. It is a …

Tongues of Conscience

Read by Lisa Reichert

Robert Smythe Hichens

Tongues of Conscience (1898) is a collection of five thought-provoking stories where an innocent, but selfish, action leads to horrific cons…

Notes On Democracy

Read by Lisa Reichert

H. L. Mencken

American journalist H.L. Mencken’s Notes On Democracy was originally published in 1926, yet is still relevant almost 100 years later.Mencken…

The Vertical City

Read by Lisa Reichert

Fannie Hurst

As the city above soars gloriously skyward, the denizens of the city writhe in its dirty underbelly.The Vertical City is a collection of six…

Ginx's Baby: His Birth and Other Misfortunes

Read by Lisa Reichert

Edward Jenkins

In the second half of the 19th century, London was becoming a wealthy, industrialized city. It attracted many working class people from near…

The Masha Chronicles

Read by Lisa Beth Kovetz

Lisa Beth Kovetz

A noir page-turner detailing the roller-coaster adventures of Masha, a reluctant young assassin. When Masha meets American businessman, Cha…

39 - Fünftes Buch - Friedenszeit, Teil 1

In Die Waffen nieder!

Read by Lisa

Bertha von Suttner and Bertha Von Suttner

Der Roman „Die Waffen nieder!“ ist das bekannteste Werk der österreichischen Autorin und Friedensaktivistin Bertha von Suttner. Das Buc…

Vom 24. November bis 1. December

In Der Chancellor

Read by Lisa

Jules Verne

Der Chancellor ist eines von Jules Vernes ungewöhnlichsten Werken. Es erzählt vom Untergang eines Schiffes in Form eines Tagebuche…

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