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Targeted Killing: Exploring its Legality, Morality and Effectiveness

In Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict

Read by Amos Guiora and Jeremy Waldon


University of Oxford Podcasts


Read by Jeremy Robinson

Jeremy Robinson

Two years after his wife's death, oceanographer and former navy SEAL, Atticus Young, attempts to reconcile with his rebellious daughter, Gio…


Read by Jeremy Robinson

Jeremy Robinson

Three thousand years after a chunk of iron the size of Khufu’s pyramid collides with Europa, Jupiter’s sixth moon, an asteroid borne of the …

Sowing and Reaping

Read by Jeremy Sherwood

Dwight L. Moody

An exposition of the verse, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to…

Darwin 200

Read by Richard Dawkins, Richard Harries and Jeremy Paxman

Richard Dawkins, Richard Harries and Jeremy Paxman

University of Oxford Podcasts

The World of Unicellular

Read by Oleg Seriy and MaRiCaBo

Oleg Seriy and MaRiCaBo

It is the next book of an author of apocalyptic books. It may be said that this book is an adapted version of “Book of Rescue from the Dooms…

Experimental Psychology Department

Read by Larry Weiskrantz and Oliver Braddick

Larry Weiskrantz and Oliver Braddick

University of Oxford Podcasts


Read by Michael Wallace and Jefferey Anderson

Michael Wallace and Jefferey Anderson

Neurosurgeon Julia Nolan places cortical implants into the brains of field operatives to record data from their auditory and visual cortices…

What is Tragedy?

Read by Oliver Taplin and Joshua Billings

Oliver Taplin and Joshua Billings

University of Oxford Podcasts

Ancient Egypt

Read by Richard Parkinson and Barbara Ewing

Richard Parkinson and Barbara Ewing

University of Oxford Podcasts

The World of Art

Read by Donna Kurtz and Sebastian Rahtz

Donna Kurtz and Sebastian Rahtz

University of Oxford Podcasts

What is Translation?

Read by Oliver Taplin and Lorna Hardwick

Oliver Taplin and Lorna Hardwick

University of Oxford Podcasts

The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher

Read by Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock

Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock

University of Oxford Podcasts

A Mathematician's Holiday

Read by Thomas Woolley and William Binzi

Thomas Woolley and William Binzi

University of Oxford Podcasts

The Body and Being Network

Read by Rebecca Leach and Stanely Ulijaszek

Rebecca Leach and Stanely Ulijaszek

University of Oxford Podcasts

Oxford on Film: From Attic to Archive

Read by Peter Robinson and Hannah Lucas

Peter Robinson and Hannah Lucas

University of Oxford Podcasts

Teddy Talks

Read by Lionel Barber and David Waring

Lionel Barber and David Waring

University of Oxford Podcasts

Oriel College

Read by John Stevenson and Moira Wallace

John Stevenson and Moira Wallace

University of Oxford Podcasts

The Zaharoff Lecture

Read by Dominique Rabaté and Michael Sheringham

Dominique Rabaté and Michael Sheringham

University of Oxford Podcasts

E-Learning Podcasts

Read by Karl Harrison and Orla De Burca

Karl Harrison and Orla De Burca

University of Oxford Podcasts

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