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Men Into Space

Read by Mark Nelson

Murray Leinster

MEN INTO SPACE is the thrilling story of man's gradual conquest of outer space. Starting with the rockets of today, the story moves on to tr…

Русско-еврейская литература

Read by Mark Chulsky

Vasily Lvov-Rogachevsky

Overview of Jewish themes in the Russian-language literature from the early 19th to the early 20th century.Обзор еврейской литературы на рус…

Death Below the Dam

Read by Mark Nelson

Esther Haven Fonseca

The body was found at five-thirty of a dark March morning, hanging head down in a tree, ten feet from the ground. There was a small, clean b…

Barnaby Rudge, A Tale of the Riots of Eighty (version 4)

Read by Mark Leder

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens' fifth published novel is set in the village of Cligwell. Romances are thwarted. A ghost is spotted. A raven speaks. A m…

The Fortune of the Rougons, Book One of Rougon-Macquart Cycle (Version 2)

Read by Mark Leder

Émile Zola

The first book in the 20-novel Rougon-Macquart Cycle. A monument of French naturalism. The sprawling tale of a family in Provence, during …

Through the Literature / Сквозь литературу

Read by Mark Chulsky

Boris Eikhenbaum

Collection of literary studies and articles about writers and their styles by a prominent Russian literary scholar and historian of literatu…

Jack Sheppard: A Romance

Read by Mark Leder

William Harrison Ainsworth

The fictionalized exploits of the very real English outlaw, Jack Sheppard. Published in 1839, this Newgate novel outsold its rival, Dickens'…

Song of Hiawatha / Песнь о Гайавате

Read by Mark Chulsky

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Иван Бунин опубликовал перевод «Песни о Гайавате» (The Song of Hiawatha) в 1896 г. Его перевод до сих пор считается непревзойдён…

The Wrong Twin

Read by Mark Leder

Harry Leon Wilson

With their father Dave, a classic rolling stone, out on the road, twins Merle and Wilbur lead a haphazard life. But at least they have each…

The Nature of a Crime

Read by Mark Leder

Joseph Conrad

The first of three collaborations between Conrad and Ford. On the verge of being found out in a matter of breach of fiduciary trust and fina…

The Rush for the Spoil, Book Two of Rougon-Macquart Cycle

Read by Mark Leder

Émile Zola

Book Two of Zola's 20-volume Rougon-Macquart Cycle. "The Rush for the Spoil" ("La Curee") concerns Aristide Siccard (on…

The Fifth Queen Crowned

Read by Mark Leder

Ford Madox Ford

This is the final book of Ford's The Fifth Queen trilogy, a series of historical novels presenting a fictionalized version of the life of Ka…

Bible (BBE) 08: Ruth

Read by Mark Penfold

Bible In Basic English

The Bible in Basic English, translated by an American committee led by S.H. Hooke, uses Basic English, a simplified English vernacular devel…

Short Stories / Рассказы

Read by Mark Chulsky

Octave Mirbeau

Early short stories by Octave Mirbeau (1848-1917). "Mirbeau is one of the greatest modern French writers; he is the best to express the…

Bardelys the Magnificent

Read by Mark Nelson

Rafael Sabatini

Being an Account of the Strange Wooing pursued by the Sieur Marcel de Saint-Pol; Marquis of Bardelys, and of the things that in the course o…

Кипарисовый ларец (Juniper Coffret)

Read by Mark Chulsky

Innokenty Annensky

Innokenty Annensky, 1855-1909, was a poet, playwright, and scholar. Influenced Russian acmeism and futurism of the Silver Age. First Russian…

Bible (BBE) 29-37: Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephania…

Read by Mark Penfold

Bible In Basic English

The Bible in Basic English, translated by an American committee led by S.H. Hooke, uses Basic English, a simplified English vernacular devel…

The Fat and the Thin, Book Three of Rougon-Macquart Cycle

Read by Mark Leder

Émile Zola

Florent, an escaped political prisoner, finds shelter with his half-brother Quenu, and his wife Lisa Quenu (a Macquart). They get him a job…

Bible (BBE) 15: Ezra

Read by Mark Penfold

Bible In Basic English

The Bible in Basic English, translated by an American committee led by S.H. Hooke, uses Basic English, a simplified English vernacular devel…

Bible (WNT) NT 12: Colossians

Read by Mark Penfold

Weymouth New Testament and Weymouth New Testamenttranslated Byrichard Francis Weymouth

In Paul's message to the fellowship in Colossae, a city in Phrygia, Asia Minor, the Apostle reminds them of the complete adequacy of Christ …

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