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The Reform of the Welfare State and the Dynamics of People's Lives - Sydney Ball…

In Sidney Ball Memorial Lectures

Read by John Hills


University of Oxford Podcasts

The House by the Churchyard

Read by John

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

Murder, mystery, mayhem, romance and relationships. Our classic who-done-it takes place in olde Dublin, Ireland in the village of Chapelizod…

The Gold of Fairnilee

Read by John

Andrew Lang

A fairy story set in Scotland about Jean and Randal and what happens when Randal disappears into fairyland. This is Lang's second fairy tal…

The Submarine Boys and the Smugglers

Read by John

Victor G. Durham

Three American naval officers are assigned to a newly commissioned submarine, the Grant. The US navy wants commander Jack, ensigns Hal and E…

The Spy Company, a Story of the Mexican War

Read by John

Archibald Clavering Gunter

The Exciting adventures of a beautiful Texan debutante. She was raised in New York City high society and attended the best schools. When her…


Read by John

Rev. Francois Xavier Schouppe

Purgatory by FX Schouppe, SJ, a french Catholic theologian who died in November, 1904 details the place where saved souls go before Heaven. …

The Art of Dying Well

Read by John

St. Robert Bellarmine

The Art of Dying Well is a guide book for people who want to go to heaven. It was written over 400 years ago by Saint Robert Bellarmine in l…

Secret history revealed by Lady Peggy O'Malley

Read by John

Charles Norris Williamson and Alice Muriel Williamson

"If, two years ago, when I was sixteen, I hadn’t wanted money to buy a white frock with roses on it, which I saw in Selfridge’s window,…

The Wild Irishman

Read by John

T. W. H. Crosland

History and customs of the Irish and Ireland. A word of warning to the listener: The Wild Irishman contains the biased, uncomplimentary opin…

Arizona Argonauts

Read by John

H. Bedford-Jones

Imagine it's early 1900's and you want to get away from it all. So you head to Two Palms, Arizona. Where for entertainment, people await the…

The Four Last Things: Death, Judgement, Hell, Heaven

Read by John

Fr. Martin Von Cochem

We are all going to die! Heaven is our ultimate destination. Sadly not all are bound for Glory. Many well intentioned people are of the beli…

The Arizona Callahan

Read by John

Henry James O'Brien Bedford-Jones and H. Bedford-Jones

The same distinguished writer who gave you such thrilling stories of far places as “The Brazen Peacock” and “Lou-Lou” knows the odd corners …

Fairhaven; a Story of Pilgrim Land

Read by John

Henry Grattan Donnelly

Fairhaven is the story of a very wealthy couple who lived in New York City in a palatial mansion. They had all the trappings of the super ri…

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Read by John Greenman

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beeche…

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Read by John Greenman

Mark Twain

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (published 1876) is a very well-known and popular story concerning American youth. Mark Twain's lively tale of …


Read by John Lenahan

John Lenahan

"Hi, my name is Conor. Other than my father being a bit of an eccentric lunatic, my life was pretty normal until I got attacked in my …

The Story of Abraham Lincoln

Read by John Lieder

Mary Agnes Hamilton

In this biography for young adults, Mary A. Hamilton gives a British person’s perspective on the 16th President of the United States. A glow…

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Read by John Gonzalez

Oscar Wilde

Dorian Gray, a young man of wealth and stature in late 1800's London, meets Lord Henry Wotton while posing for a portrait by his friend Basi…

The Prince and the Pauper

Read by John Greenman

Mark Twain

The Prince and the Pauper (1882) represents Mark Twain's first attempt at historical fiction. The book, set in 1547, tells the story of two …

The Prince of Hazel and Oak

Read by John Lenahan

John Lenahan

Podiobooks no. 1 voted podcast returns for another action and laugh packed sequel. Finally listeners can find out what happened to Conor on …

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