The Four Last Things: Death, Judgement, Hell, Heaven

Read by John

(4.1 stars; 4 reviews)

We are all going to die! Heaven is our ultimate destination. Sadly not all are bound for Glory. Many well intentioned people are of the belief that Heaven and Glory are automatic rewards for living on earth. The author of this book, Father Martin Von Cochem points out the fallacy of such thinking. He pulls no punches stressing the necessity of living our best lives for God. Sufferings on earth are part of the equation, He describes hell in frightening detail for all who think it is a non issue, We have to work to get a Heavenly reward. We get one chance - no do overs once we die. Father Von Cochem tells us how to get right with God for the rest of our days or else. I think this book has the potential of making you the best person you can be if you heed its advice! (Summary by John Brandon) (6 hr 22 min)


On the Terrors of Death 10:57 Read by John
On the Assaults of Satan at the Hour of Death 9:24 Read by John
On the Apparition of the Spirits of Darkness 4:00 Read by John
On the Fear of Hell 4:58 Read by John
On the Judgement 13:08 Read by John
On the Signs that shall Precede the Last Judgment 11:37 Read by John
On the Resurrection of the Dead 18:03 Read by John
On the Manner in which the Good and the Wicked will be Conducted to the Place o… 7:58 Read by John
How all Men will Await Christ’s Coming in the Vale of Josaphat 6:04 Read by John
On the Appearance of Christ’s Cross in the Heavens 9:03 Read by John
On the Advent of the Judge 12:16 Read by John
On the Manner in which Christ will take His Place on the Judgment-seat 16:13 Read by John
On the Reason why Christs Appearance on the Day of Final Judgment will be Terri… 14:44 Read by John
On the Manner in which the Final Judgment will be Commenced 9:10 Read by John
On the Length of Time that the Final Judgment will Last 7:46 Read by John
On the Publication of the Sentence Passed upon the Good and the Bad 12:50 Read by John
How the Damned will ask in Vain for Mercy, and will be cast down into Hell 8:27 Read by John
How the Blessed will go up into Heaven after the Judgment 10:19 Read by John
On the Fire of Hell 14:29 Read by John
On the Hunger and Thirst Suffered in Hell 11:12 Read by John
On the Vile Odors of Hell 5:22 Read by John
Some Other Torments of Hell 16:30 Read by John
On the Company of Hell 21:07 Read by John
On the Loss of the Beatific Vision of God 16:51 Read by John
The Worm that Dieth Not 9:55 Read by John
On Eternity 19:20 Read by John
On the Nature of Heaven 19:20 Read by John
On the Joys of Heaven 21:21 Read by John
On the Joys of Heaven (Continued) 16:30 Read by John
On the Number of the Saved 23:33 Read by John