Frederic Taber Cooper, who was an editor and author, provides a superb insight into the works of some of the most popular authors of the tur…
Best remembered for his poetry, James Elroy Flecker was also a playwright, novelist and prose writer. This collection of his idiosyncratic p…
"The ambition of the editor has been to provide an accurate and complete text, with adequate critical and supplementary matter, of all …
From the noted artist and father of the celebrated Irish poet William Butler Yeats comes this short collection of essays on the literary lif…
In the preliminary statement of the aims and objects of this History, communicated to those who were invited to become contributors to it, t…
This is a duet by Michele Fry, reading Ingersoll's essay, and Kay Williams, an authentic Scotsman, reading Burns' poetry. Robert Burns (25 J…
William Butler Yeats recounts his experiences with friend and colleague, John Millington Synge. - Summary by Kyle James Maclean
Sidney envisions the world as an ideally ordered structure that rewards good and punishes evil, but this order, vitiated by sin, has fallen …
"I had accepted an invitation to deliver three lectures in French in the town-hall of Warsaw." Thus begins the description of the …
The American Newspaper is a critical study of journalism conducted by Will Irwin from 1909 to 1910 spanning fifteen articles that discuss th…