The Haunted Island
Gelesen von Ben Tucker
Edward Harold Visiak

Being the History of an Adventure to an Island in the Remote South Sea. Of a Wizard there. Of his Pirate Gang; His Treasure ; His Combustible; His Skeleton Antic Lad. Of his Wisdom; Of his Poesy; His Barbarous Cruelty ; His Mighty Power. Of a Volcan on the Island. And of the Ghostly Terror. - Summary by E. H. Visiak, from the Preface of The Haunted Island (4 hr 16 min)
Chapter X. We Fall in with the Fleet of Captain Morgan. The Buccaneer's Hut.
Read by Ben Tucker

'tis a peculiar little tale, most splendidly read. The story itself is sadly mediocre.
Mark Shelby

An adventure take with plenty of pirates & action! This is a fast moving tale, not bogged down by too many details.
Is action pack story
joe hurley

Ben with a very good narration of an action packed adventure!