The Haunted Island
Edward Harold Visiak
Read by Ben Tucker

Being the History of an Adventure to an Island in the Remote South Sea. Of a Wizard there. Of his Pirate Gang; His Treasure ; His Combustible; His Skeleton Antic Lad. Of his Wisdom; Of his Poesy; His Barbarous Cruelty ; His Mighty Power. Of a Volcan on the Island. And of the Ghostly Terror. - Summary by E. H. Visiak, from the Preface of The Haunted Island (4 hr 16 min)

'tis a peculiar little tale, most splendidly read. The story itself is sadly mediocre.

Mark Shelby
An adventure take with plenty of pirates & action! This is a fast moving tale, not bogged down by too many details.
Is action pack story

joe hurley
Ben with a very good narration of an action packed adventure!