
Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Xenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was a pupil of Socrates. He marched with the Spartans, and was exiled from Athens. Sparta gave hi…
Cyropaedia: The Education of Cyrus

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
The Cyropaedia (or Cyropedia) is a partly fictional biography of Cyrus the Great, written in the early 4th century BC by the Athenian gentle…
James Joyce in Context, Vol. 1: Telemachus

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
This is a project invented and created by LibriVox volunteers. It collects various works which James Joyce quotes and refers to in his epic…
The Polity of the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians (Spartans)

Read by Phil Chenevert
The Polity of the Lacedaemonians talks about the laws and institutions created by Lycurgus, which train and develop Spartan citizens from bi…
The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Xenophon's best memorial of his old guide, philosopher, and friend is this work, in which Xenophon brought together in simple and direct for…
Vertheidigung des Socrates

Read by redaer
Xenophon möchte zeigen, dass Sokrates ganz bewusst in den Tod gegangen sei. Das Unglück seines Todes war kein Zufall. Denn der Phi…
Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 039

Read by LibriVox Volunteers
Eighteen short nonfiction works in the public domain, independently chosen by the readers. Topics include literary figures--Alice Mangold Di…
Read by bedwere
Xenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was a pupil of Socrates. He marched with the Spartans, and was exiled from Athens. Sparta gave hi…
Κύρου παιδεία

Read by bedwere
The Cyropaedia (or Cyropedia) is a partly fictional biography of Cyrus the Great, written in the early 4th century BC by the Athenian gentle…