MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT 9.00 Introduction to Psychology, Fall 2004

Instructor: Prof. Jeremy WolfeSee the full course materials at…

MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008

This subject is aimed at students with little or no programming experience. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the role co…

Gödel, Escher, Bach: A Mental Space Odyssey

What do one mathematician, one artist, and one musician all have in common? Are you interested in zen Buddhism, math, fractals, logic, parad…

7.012 Introduction to Biology, Fall 2004

The MIT Biology Department core courses, 7.012, 7.013, and 7.014, all cover the same core material, which includes the fundamental principle…

MIT 9.00SC Introduction to Psychology, Spring 2011

Instructor: Prof. John Gabrieli This course is a survey of the scientific study of human nature, including how the mind works, and how the …


Lecture videos from 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms, taught by Erik Demaine and Srini Devadas. The course is divided into eight units: int…

MIT 8.01 Physics I: Classical Mechanics, Fall 1999

Instructor: Walter Lewin 8.01 is a first-semester freshman physics class in Newtonian Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, and Kinetic Gas Theory. I…

MIT 6.002 Circuits and Electronics, Spring 2007

6.002 is designed to serve as a first course in an undergraduate electrical engineering (EE), or electrical engineering and computer science…

MIT 21F.223 / 21F.224 Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation, Fall 2004

This course is designed for high-intermediate ESL students who need to develop better listening comprehension and oral skills, which will pr…

16.660 / 16.853 / ESD.62J Introduction to Lean Six Sigma Methods, January (IAP) …

This course introduces the fundamental Lean Six Sigma principles that underlay modern continuous improvement approaches for industry, govern…

MIT 6.041 Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability, Fall 2010

Welcome to 6.041/6.431, a subject on the modeling and analysis of random phenomena and processes, including the basics of statistical infere…

MIT 24.262 Feeling and Imagination in Art, Science, and Technology, Spring 2004

Instructor: Prof. Irving Singer This course is a seminar on creativity in art, science, and technology. We discuss how these pursuits are j…

MIT 5.74 Introductory Quantum Mechanics II, Spring 2009

Instructor: Andrei Tokmakoff This course covers topics in time-dependent quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, and relaxation, with an emphasis …

MIT 6.003 Signals and Systems, Fall 2011

Instructor: Dennis Freeman The analysis of signals and systems forms a key part of many modern technologies, including communications and f…

MIT 6.189 Multicore Programming Primer, January (IAP) 2007

View the complete course: Instructors: Rodric Rabbah, Saman Amarasinghe * NOTE: Recitations 1-3 are not avail…

MIT HST.S14 Health Information Systems to Improve Quality of Care in Resource-Po…

Video lectures of course instructors from Spring 2011 offering of HST.184/HST.S14. Instructor(s): Leo Anthony Celi, Peter Szolovits, Hamish…

MIT 16.810 Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping, IAP 2007

This course provides students with an opportunity to conceive, design and implement a product, using rapid prototyping methods and computer-…

MIT 5.111 Principles of Chemical Science, Fall 2008

This course provides an introduction to the chemistry of biological, inorganic, and organic molecules. The emphasis is on basic principles o…

MIT Calculus Revisited: SIngle Variable Calculus

View the complete course at: Resource Description: Calculus Revisited is a series of videos and related r…

MIT 16.01 Unified Engineering I, II, III, & IV, Fall 2005 - Spring 2006

The basic objective of Unified Engineering is to give a solid understanding of the fundamental disciplines of aerospace engineering, as well…

MIT 21M.380 Music and Technology (Contemporary History and Aesthetics), Fall 200…

Instructor: Prof. Christopher Ariza This course is an investigation into the history and aesthetics of music and technology as deployed in …

MIT 18.02SC Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2010

Instructor: Christine Breiner, David Jordan, Joel Lewis This course covers differential, integral and vector calculus for functions of more…

MIT 14.01SC Principles of Microeconomics, Fall 2010

Instructor: Jon Gruber, 14.01 students View the complete course: This course includes a full set of lecture …

MIT 21L.448J Darwin and Design, Fall 2010

This video course covers Darwin's model for understanding how natural objects and systems can help understand design. It looks at pre- and p…

MIT 5.60 Thermodynamics & Kinetics, Spring 2008

This subject deals primarily with equilibrium properties of macroscopic systems, basic thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium of reactions in …

MIT 24.213 Philosophy of Film, Fall 2004

Instructor: Prof. Irving Singer This course is a seminar on the philosophical analysis of film art, with an emphasis on the ways in which i…


Instructors: Prof. Esther Duflo and Prof. Abhijit Banerjee View the complete course: Video lectures of the cour…


6.035 is a course within the department's "Computer Systems and Architecture" concentration. This course analyzes …

MIT 5.112 Principles of Chemical Science, Fall 2005

5.112 is an introductory chemistry course for students with an unusually strong background in chemistry. Knowledge of calculus equivalent to…

MIT 4.696 A Global History of Architecture Writing Seminar Spring 2008

This course will study the question of Global Architecture from the point of view of producing a set of lectures on that subject. The course…


The MIT Biology Department core courses, 7.012, 7.013, and 7.014, all cover the same core material, which includes the fundamental principle…

MIT 6.046J / 18.410J Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503), Fall 2005 (2005); Re…

This course teaches techniques for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms, emphasizing methods useful in practice. Topics covered i…


This subject presents a range of advanced topics in integrated logistics and supply chain management. The course was conducted in a lecture-…

MIT 24.264 Film as Visual and Literary Mythmaking, Fall 2005

Instructor: Irving Singer This course examines problems in the philosophy of film as well as literature studied in relation to their making…

MIT 6.050J / 2.110J Information and Entropy, Spring 2008

Instructors: Paul Penfield, Seth Lloyd This course explores the ultimate limits to communication and computation, with an emphasis on the p…

OCW Scholar: Fundamentals of Biology

Instructor: Dr. Michelle Mischke This collection contains clips from lecture videos of MIT's Introduction to Biology classes. Each video wi…

MIT 2.57 Nano-to-Micro Transport Processes, Spring 2012

Instructor: Prof. Gang Chen View the complete course: This course aims at a fundamental understanding of descrip…


This course explores statistical modeling and control in manufacturing processes. Topics include the use of experimental design and response…

MIT CMS.930 Media, Education, and the Marketplace, Fall 2001

How can we harness the emerging forms of interactive media to enhance the learning process? Professor Miyagawa and prominent guest speakers …

MIT 24.209 Philosophy In Film and Other Media Spring 2004

Instructor: Prof. Irving Singer This course examines works of film in relation to thematic issues of philosophical importance that also occ…

MIT 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011

Lecture videos from 6.262 Discrete Stochastic Processes, Spring 2011. View the complete course: Instructor: Rob…

MIT OpenCourseWare Milestone Celebration

On November 28, 2007, MIT celebrated the initial publication of the entire MIT curriculum on OpenCourseWare. The celebration was hosted by M…

MIT 18.02 Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2007

This course covers vector and multi-variable calculus. It is the second semester in the freshman calculus sequence. Topics include vectors a…

MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra, Spring 2005

This is a basic subject on matrix theory and linear algebra. Emphasis is given to topics that will be useful in other disciplines, including…

MIT 18.03 Differential Equations, Spring 2006

Differential Equations are the language in which the laws of nature are expressed. Understanding properties of solutions of differential equ…

MIT 21M.542 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Musical Time, IAP 2010

Instructor: Michael Cuthbert (moderator), Robert Jaffe, Libby Larsen, Sara Brown, with performers from the Boston Chamber Music Society Vie…

MIT 18.03SC Differential Equations, Fall 2011

OCW Scholar courses are designed for independent learners who have few additional resources available to them. The courses are substantially…

MIT 11.949 City Visions: Past and Future, Spring 2004

This class is intended to introduce students to understandings of the city generated from both social science literature and the field of ur…


Bioengineering at MIT is represented by the diverse curricula offered by most Departments in the School of Engineering. This course samples …


D-Lab: Development, Design and Dissemination is a design studio course in which students work on international development proj…


This course covers the derivation of symmetry theory; lattices, point groups, space groups, and their properties; use of symmetry in tensor …


Instructors: Tom Leighton, Marten van Dijk This course covers elementary discrete mathematics. Mathematical definitions and proofs are emph…

MIT STS.050 The History of MIT, Spring 2011

View the complete course: Instructors: Merrit Roe Smith, David Mindell This course examines the history of MI…

MIT 21L.432 Understanding Television, Spring 2003

The subtitle of this course for the spring 2003 term is "American Television: A Cultural History." The class takes a cultural appr…

MIT RES.6-008 Digital Signal Processing, 1975

Instructor: Alan V. Oppenheim Set of 20 video lectures for Signals and Systems, an introductory course in analog and digital signal process…

MIT SP.775 D-Lab Energy, Spring 2011

View the complete course: MIT Students, Amy BanzaertThis project-based class explores sustainable e…


This class explores composition and arrangement for the large jazz ensemble from 1920s foundations to current postmodern practice. Considera…

3.320 Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials, Spring 2005

This course uses the theory and application of atomistic computer simulations to model, understand, and predict the properties of real mater…

MIT 2.71 Optics, Spring 2009

Instructors: George Barbastathis, Colin Sheppard, Se Baek Oh This course provides an introduction to optical science with elementary engine…


This course explores contemporary American theatrical expression as it may be organized around issues of gender and cultural identity. This …


Published in 1989 by Prentice-Hall, this book is a useful resource for educators and self-learners alike. The text is aimed at those who hav…

MIT 4.367 Studio Seminar in Public Art, Spring 2006

How do we define Public Art? This course focuses on the production of projects for public places. Public Art is a concept that is in constan…

MIT 22.091 Nuclear Reactor Safety, Spring 2008

Instructor: Prof. Andrew Kadak Problems in nuclear engineering often involve applying knowledge from many disciplines simultaneously in ach…


This course explores photography as a disciplined way of seeing, of investigating landscapes and expressing ideas. Readings, observations, a…

MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007

Instructor: Prof. David Jerison This introductory calculus course covers differentiation and integration of functions of one variable, with…

MIT OCW 18.03 Differential Equations Video Lectures Spring 2004

18.03 Differential Equations video lectures from Spring 2004. 33 lectures approx 1hr each. See MPEG filenames for lecture numbers.

MIT 21H.931 Seminar in Historical Methods, Spring 2004

Instructor: Prof. Anne McCants This course is designed to acquaint students with a variety of approaches to the past used by historians wri…


6.270 is a hands-on, learn-by-doing class, in which participants design and build a robot that will play in a competition at the end of Janu…

MIT 18.01 Single Variable Calculus, Fall 2007 - Lectures 1-7

This introductory calculus course covers differentiation and integration of functions of one variable, with applications. Lectures 1-7.


This course is being offered in conjunction with the colloquium The Politics of Reconstructing Iraq, which is sponsored by MIT's Center for …


This course covers sensing and measurement for quantitative molecular/cell/tissue analysis, in terms of genetic, biochemical, and biophysica…


This class will introduce students to a variety of contemporary art practices and ideas. The class will begin with a brief overview of 'visu…


"Parrhesia" was an Athenian right to frank and open speaking, the right that, like the First Amendment, demands a "fearless s…


According to the United States Agency for International Development, 20 million people in developing countries require wheelchairs, and the …


This course covers the derivation of symmetry theory; lattices, point groups, space groups, and their properties; use of symmetry in tensor …

MIT OCW - RES.6-006

This resource contains demonstrations used to illustrate the theory and applications of lasers and optics. Lasers today are being used in …