Christopher Titmuss

Four Postures Of Mindfulness

These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the signific…

Concentration And Openness

These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the signific…

What Is Buddhism About?

These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the signific…
Spiritual And Secular Mindfulness

These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationshi…

Right Relationship

These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the signific…

Dharma Talk: Mindfulness, The Self And Emptiness

Experience comes before theory and knowledge. Mindfulness goes to body, feelings, states of mind and Dharma and the process of conditionalit…

Dharma Talk: Happiness Meditation

What robs us of happiness? Pressure, tension and control get reinforced through the thoughts used to justify our experience. Mindfulness ser…

Illusory Nature Of I And My

These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the signific…

What Is Truth?

Dharma Talk by Christopher Titmuss. 05.12.2017. More information on

Dharma Talk: Sri Ramana Maharshi and The Buddha

Dharma Talk recorded in Bodh Gaya, India, January 2008. For more information on the author and Dharma related topics see http://www.insightm…

Dharma Inquiry. Trauma Of Of A People

These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the signific…

Dharma Enquiry. Emotions In Relationship
These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the signific…

Dharma Talk: The Self and Liberation

Dharma Talk recorded in the Spirit Rock Meditation Center, USA, August 2006. For more information on the author and Dharma related topics se…

Dharma Talk: What is Vipassana?

Originally, Vipassana referred to monks who dedicated themselves to meditation for insight rather than rituals, ceremonies and forms. Vi-pas…

Dharma Talk: Four Truths of the Noble Ones

Dharma Talk recorded in Germany, May 2008. For more information on the author and Dharma related topics see…

The Heart. God. The Dharma

These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the signific…

Dharma Enquiry. Open To Heart Mind. Anger On Children
These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the signific…

Exploration Of The Heart And Wisdom
These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the signific…

Dharma Talk: Who Am I ?

Who are you? Our first response is to give our name. We are a name. I am English. Therefore I am my country. I am a teacher. Then I am my jo…

Dharma Talk: Desire and the Divine
Intention and action do not require desire to get a result. There is also the desirer, the desire and the desired. These three form together…

Dharma Talk: Emptiness of Perception

Dharma Talk in India, 2006 For more information on the author and Dharma related topics see

Dharma Talk: Wisdom of Equanimity

Dharma Talk recorded in the Spirit Rock Meditation Center, USA, August 2006. For more information on the author and Dharma related topics se…

Dharma Talk: Inner And Outer Change

We either want something to change or we don’t want it to change. Human issues revolve around these perceptions. Some meditators believe tha…

Dharma Talk: The Benefits And The Limits Of The Present Moment
A common spiritual view claims that there is only the Now. We are encouraged to be harmonious and one with the now. Certain gurus claim that…

Dharma Talk: Who Is The Meditator?
The teachings explore the nature of the self, of I. The “I” cannot sit. Only the body can “sit.” The “I” identifies with the body so we say …

Dharma Talk: The Dharma Of Love
Ancient teachings pointed to a single transformative experience of the ego. Could one’s life be going back and forth between the infinite an…

Dharma Talk: From The Outer To Inner

In the rhythm of the day, countless impressions pass through consciousness but only a few register and make an impact. Practice includes the…

Dharma Talk: Construction Of The Personality

Does our personality obscure what really matters? We judge others and ourselves through features of personality rather than looking deeper. …

Dharma Talk: Unborn, Unmade, Unconditioned

We experience that which is formed together. We want to posit something permanent. Humans have needed a religious metaphysic, such as the wo…

Dharma Talk: Arising And Passing

The limits and the occasional benefits of chanting. Our poets refer to life and death, love and loss. We explore the passing away of somethi…

Dharma Talk: The Buddha And His Dysfunctional Family

The mother of Prince Gotama died seven days after his birth. His mother’s sister brought him up with King Suddhodana, the boy’s father. His …

Dharma Talk: From Gross To Subtle

The “All” includes senses, sense objects and the “All” that takes in the inner life. We have to consider what is gross and its change to sub…
What Is The Difference Between Mindfulness, Meditation And Concentration?

These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, medi…

Dharma Talk: Dealing with difficult Emotions

Dharma Talk recorded in Bodh-Gaya, India, January 2007. For more information on the author and Dharma related topics see http://www.insightm…

Dharma Talk: Mind And Matter

Mind and Matter are mutually supportive, relating to each other. Mind influences matter and matter influences mind. What is it we don’t like…

Dharma Talk: The Power Of Truth
Memory, what we have been told and identity can act as a block to truth such as the truth of greed for land, the truth of blame and retaliat…

Interview Sr Kathleen
These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationshi…

Dharma Talk: Rolling In The Deep
The touch of the Deep shows itself in a break from the unresolved issues from the past. We have come out of a relationship but we have reall…

Dharma Talk: Nature Of Specific Conditions

Grasping onto conditions makes life problematic. If something really affects us there may be a causal condition whether happy or painful. Wh…

20151019. The Process Of Waking Up. Germany 55 Mins
Drawing on the Buddha's wisdom, Christopher Titmuss explores worldly and spiritual experiences including enquiry love, non-self, emptiness a…

From Reactivity To Equanimity
These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationships and the signific…
Questions And Answers
These Dharma talks range in length from 40 to 60 minutes. They explore the depths of mindfulness, meditation, relationshi…

Dharma Talk: The Spacious Realm and the Five Realms
The realms from heaven to hell, human, animal and hungry ghosts are worthy of consideration and reflection. Dreams and experiences can touch…

Questions From Teachers To Christopher On Emptiness And Liberation
Freedom has no form, nor shape, no substance, nor beginning nor ending yet seeing and knowable. It is empty of being any ‘thing.’ It is impo…

Dharma Talk: The Importance Of The Vast
We are leaving the old to explore the new. What was the main regret for people at the end of their life? Working too hard, they said. …

Dharma Talk: Losing interest in the Beyond
Dharma Talk in India, January 2006 For more information on the author and Dharma related topics see

Dharma Talk: Aspects Of The Way
The Way or the Path is a widely used metaphor. There is no confirmation in the nature of the path but only of diversity in the field of expe…

Dharma Talk: Exploration Of Dukkha
We can experience dukkha (unsatisfactoriness, suffering, stress) and know experiences without dukkha. We do not realise how we build up depe…

Dharma Talk: Is The Dharma Pro Life Or Anti Life?
Are there areas in my life where restraint is necessary? The restraint must be named. Are there areas which we need to develop? Reading a be…

Dharma Talk. Life Lives On The Special Moment. Germany 59 Mins.
Drawing directly on the Buddha's wisdom, Christopher explores worldly and spiritual experiences including an enquiry into ethics, love and a…

Dharma Talk: The Controller
We seem to be able to organise control over our circumstances such as cars and aeroplanes but examining our inner is a different matter. The…

Dharma Talk: Exploration Of Feelings And Emotions
We experience a wide variety of states of mind including feelings and emotions. We experience absence of such states of mind. Are there reso…

2015091. The Meeting Of Love With Emptiness. 56 Mins Israel.
Drawing on the Buddha's wisdom, Christopher Titmuss explores worldly and spiritual experiences including enquiry love, non-self, emptiness a…