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Das Haus des schwarzen Magiers

Read by ClaudiaSterngucker

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Was, wenn Geistererscheinungen nichts Übernatürliches sind, sondern etwas Natürliches, das man wissenschaftlich erforschen un…

Kapitel II. Johnstons Hotel. Erster Gang in die Stadt.

In Jenseit des Tweed

Read by ClaudiaSterngucker

Theodor Fontane

Fontanes Bericht über seine Reise nach Schottland mit seinem Freund Bernhard von Lepel. In dem für Fontane charakteristischen Stil…

Thanksgiving - Read by CS

In Thanksgiving

Read by ClaudiaSterngucker

Kate Seymour MacLean

A tribute to the autumn season, taken from THE COMING OF THE PRINCESS, AND OTHER POEMS (1881) - Summary by David Lawrence

To The Dead in the Graveyard Underneath My Window - Read by CS

In To The Dead in the Graveyard Underneath My Window

Read by ClaudiaSterngucker

Adelaide Crapsey

Her death was tragic. Full of the desire of life she yet was forced to go, leaving her work all unfinished. Her last year was spent in exile…

Das Hexlein

In Sammlung deutscher Gedichte 025

Read by ClaudiaSterngucker

Johann Peter Hebel

Eine Sammlung von 20 deutschen Gedichten für LibriVox.

Life - Read by CS

In Life

Read by ClaudiaSterngucker

Griffith Alexander

"What is life?" we ask. "Just one darned thing after another," the cynic replies. Yes, a multiplicity of forces and inte…


In The Pirate Woman

Read by ClaudiaSterngucker

Aylward Edward Dingle

Within his mysterious stronghold, "The Cave of Terrible Things," on the Maroon coast of Jamaica, washed by the waters of the Carib…

Autumn's Gold - Read by CS

In Autumn's Gold

Read by ClaudiaSterngucker

George MacDonald

George MacDonald was a Scottish author, poet, and Christian minister. He was a pioneering figure in the field of fantasy literature and the…

Prozeß wegen Landesverrats, Teil 3

In Interessante Kriminal-Prozesse, Teil 2

Read by ClaudiaSterngucker

Hugo Friedländer and Erich Sello

Nach vierzigjähriger Tätigkeit als Gerichtsreporter veröffentlichte Hugo Friedländer zwischen 1910 und 1921 seine zw&oum…