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Origins of Nature

Read by Richard Dawkins, Rowan Williams and Anthony Kenny

Richard Dawkins, Rowan Williams and Anthony Kenny

University of Oxford Podcasts

Global Economic Governance: Globalisation and the Financial Crisis

Read by Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward and Jeni Whalen

Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward and Jeni Whalen

University of Oxford Podcasts

La Bella Principessa: A Leonardo Discovered

Read by Martin Kemp, Kathryn Barush and Maya Corry

Martin Kemp, Kathryn Barush and Maya Corry

University of Oxford Podcasts

Jesus College

Read by Niall Ferguson, Richard Evans and Lord Bragg

Niall Ferguson, Richard Evans and Lord Bragg

University of Oxford Podcasts

Judgement and Justice: The Life and Diary of William Godwin

Read by Mark Philp, David O’Shaughnessy and Ellen Sandford O'Neill

Mark Philp, David O’Shaughnessy and Ellen Sandford O'Neill

University of Oxford Podcasts

Social Media and Faith

Read by Robin Dunbar, Jenny Rutherford, Graham Ward and Joel Harrison

Robin Dunbar, Jenny Rutherford, Graham Ward and Joel Harrison

University of Oxford Podcasts

Oxford Physics Research

Read by Chris Lintott, Roger Davies, Jo Dunkley and katherine blundell

Chris Lintott, Roger Davies, Jo Dunkley and katherine blundell

University of Oxford Podcasts

Study Skills

Read by Sally LePage, Liz Timoney White, Inés Dawson and Luke Ogilvie-Thomson

Sally LePage, Liz Timoney White, Inés Dawson and Luke Ogilvie-Thomson

University of Oxford Podcasts

St. Cross College

Read by Laela Adamson, Shannon Keiley, Thad Parsons, Amy Yang, Quincy Prentice and Hsien Chan

Laela Adamson, Shannon Keiley, Thad Parsons, Amy Yang, Quincy Prentice and Hsie…

University of Oxford Podcasts

04 - The Events of One Day

In Desperate Remedies

Read by Rod Moss

Thomas Hardy

Cytherea Graye is poor, but accepts a post as lady's maid to the eccentric Miss Aldclyffe, the woman whom her father had loved but had not b…


In The Mysteries of London Vol. III

Read by Rod Moss

George W. M. Reynolds

The Mysteries of London was a best-selling novel in mid-Victorian England, published in four volumes. This is the third volume. Initially se…

Song of the Lonely: from the German

In Rampolli

Read by Pippa Moss

George MacDonald

A collection of poems by George MacDonald translated from various European languages including works by Novalis, Schiller, Goethe, Heine, Pe…

The Baby's Kiss: An Incident of the Civil War, by Anonymous

In Twilight Stories

Read by Pippa Moss


A collection of broad-ranging, mostly American stories and poems for children by various authors, including Margaret Sidney, Susan Coolidge,…

What Fanny Heard

In Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag, Vol. 3

Read by Pippa Moss

Louisa May Alcott

The third volume of the "Aunt Jo’s Scrap-Bag" series contains 10 delightful short stories for children by American writer Louisa M…

One Way to Stop a Horse

In The Tale of Daddy Longlegs (Version 2)

Read by Pippa Moss

Arthur Scott Bailey

Arthur Scott Bailey, famous for his children's animal series, adds another fun tale of the critter that we call a Daddy Longlegs. His life a…

Water Enterprise Forum: Beyond public versus private: what is the role of privat…

In School of Geography and the Environment Podcasts

Read by Jack Moss


University of Oxford Podcasts

Part 1, chapter 2

In Tolstoy on Shakespeare

Read by Amanda

Leo Tolstoy

This book contains a critical essay on Shakespeare by Leo Tolstoy. It is followed by another essay named "Shakespeare's attitude to the…

Book 3, Chapter 30

In Anna Karenina, Book 3

Read by Amanda

Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina tells of the doomed love affair between the sensuous and rebellious Anna and the dashing officer, Count Vronsky. Tragedy unfol…

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