In Il Decameron. Parte 01 - Giornata Prima
Il Decamerone è una raccolta di cento novelle scritta da Giovanni Boccaccio tra il 1349 e il 1351.Le novelle sono raccontate a turno …
In The Romance of Early Exploration
The Author has been encouraged by the reception given to The Romance of Modern Exploration to write a companion volume on the adventures of …
In Multilingual Short Works Collection 033 - Poetry & Prose
This is our 33rd collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard Engli…
In Hast Thou been working?
Multilingual Monthly Poetry Project is a project oriented to gather multiple translations and multiple contributions of one chosen poem for …
In Letters on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy, Volume 1 (Letters to a Ger…
The Letters of Euler to a German Princess have acquired over all Europe a celebrity to which the reputation of the Author, the choice and im…