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In Il Decameron. Parte 01 - Giornata Prima

Read by Emanuela

Giovanni Boccaccio

Il Decamerone è una raccolta di cento novelle scritta da Giovanni Boccaccio tra il 1349 e il 1351.Le novelle sono raccontate a turno …

Chapter X. The Revolution and the Revolution Settlement in Great Britain. (2) S…

In The Cambridge Modern History. Volume 05, The Age of Louis XIV

Read by Emanuela


The Cambridge Modern History is a universal history covering the period from 1450 to 1910. It was published in 14 volumes between 1902 and 1…

The Travels of an Italian Mohammedan

In The Romance of Early Exploration

Read by Emanuela

Archibald Williams

The Author has been encouraged by the reception given to The Romance of Modern Exploration to write a companion volume on the adventures of …

Chapter 9: The Teutonic Migrations, 378-412 By M. Manitius

In The Cambridge Medieval History, Volume 01, The Christian Roman Empire and the F…

Read by Emanuela

John Bagnell Bury

Volume 1: The Christian Roman Empire and the Foundation of the Teutonic Kingdoms "The present work is intended as a comprehensive accou…

Italian - Belfagor arcidiavolo

In Multilingual Short Works Collection 033 - Poetry & Prose

Read by Emanuela

Niccolò Machiavelli

This is our 33rd collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard Engli…

Italian - Hai lavorato?

In Hast Thou been working?

Read by Emanuela

Ada Negri

Multilingual Monthly Poetry Project is a project oriented to gather multiple translations and multiple contributions of one chosen poem for …

Book II, Chapters 22 to 33

In The History of Rome, volume 1

Read by Emanuela

Titus Livius

The History of Rome (Ab Urbe Condita) is a history of ancient Rome, written in Latin by Livy (Titus Livius) between 27 and 9 BC, covering th…

Continuation of the Same Subject

In Letters on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy, Volume 1 (Letters to a Ger…

Read by Emanuela

Leonhard Euler

The Letters of Euler to a German Princess have acquired over all Europe a celebrity to which the reputation of the Author, the choice and im…

The ICC at 10

In Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict

Read by Jennifer Welsh, David Rodin, Dapo Akande and Janina Dill


University of Oxford Podcasts

Ralph Rhodes

In Spoon River Anthology

Read by Deb Bacon-Ziegler

Edgar Lee Masters

This is a collection of poems, in the form of an entire community speaking from beyond the grave about their lives, and, in some cases, goss…

Chapter IX

In The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

Read by Deb Bacon-Ziegler

Anne Bronte and Anne Brontë

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, the second and final novel by Anne Brontë, is concerned with the story of a woman who leaves her abusive, …

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