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000 - Introduction by Professor Otto Pfleiderer, Latin prologue, Preface

In The Life of Jesus Critically Examined

Read by Leni

David Friedrich Strauss

Strauss was an early pioneer in the ongoing 'Quest of the Historical Jesus' movement, and his Life of Jesus is one of the few landmarks in t…

13 - Ponto de vista

In Contos Fluminenses e Histórias da Meia-Noite

Read by Leni

Machado de Assis and Joaquim Maria Machado De Assis

Contos Fluminenses, originalmente publicado em 1870, e Histórias da Meia-Noite, publicado em 1873, são os dois primeiros livro…

00 - Vida de Esopo

In Fábulas, volume 1

Read by Leni


Esopo é um lendário autor grego, que teria vivido na Antigüidade, ao qual se atribui a paternidade da fábula como …

08 - Book III ch.1-16

In De Bello Gallico Libri Septem

Read by Leni

Gaius Julius Caesar

In this book the famous Gaius Julius Caesar himself describes the seven years of his war in Gaul.When Caesar got proconsul of Gallia and Ill…

29 - A Formiga e a Cigarra

In Fábulas, volume 2

Read by Leni


Esopo é um lendário autor grego, que teria vivido na Antigüidade, ao qual se atribui a paternidade da fábula como …

41 - Partition 3, Section 4, Member 1, Subsection 4

In The Anatomy of Melancholy Volume 3

Read by Leni

Robert Burton

The Anatomy of Melancholy is a book by Robert Burton, first published in 1621. On its surface, the book is a medical textbook in which Burto…

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