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19 - A Last Chance

In Betty Wales, Freshman

Read by Daryl Wor

Margaret Warde

First published in 1904, Betty Wales Freshman is the first book in an 8 volume series that follows Betty and her classmates throughout colle…

Peters the Susceptible

In When Patty Went to College

Read by Daryl Wor

Jean Webster

When Patty Went to College is Jean Webster's first novel, published in 1903. It is a humorous look at life in an all-girls college at the tu…

08 - Gene Stratton-Porter

In The Women Who Make Our Novels

Read by Daryl Wor

Grant M. Overton

”This book, the rather unpremeditated production of several months’ work, is by a man who is not a novelist and who is therefore entirely un…

00 - Dedication & Foreward

In In the Sweet Dry and Dry

Read by Daryl Wor

Christopher Morley and Bart Haley and Christopher Morley

Written just before Prohibition to entail the possible troubles that might happen en route. Both sides of the argument, or battle as the cas…

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