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Colours from Earth: preparing for exo-earth characterisation

In Oxford Physics Public Lectures

Read by Robert Fosbury


University of Oxford Podcasts

How Can I Protect My Ideas? - Chapter 2

In Building a Business

Read by Robert Anderson


University of Oxford Podcasts

Environmental Governance and Resilience: Solutions for a Sustainable and Desirab…

In Environmental Governance and Resilience

Read by Robert Costanza


University of Oxford Podcasts

Impacts of sea-level rise at 4 degrees and above

In 4 Degrees and Beyond International Climate Conference

Read by Robert Nicholls


University of Oxford Podcasts

6.7 Robert Madelin: How Can the University and Cultural Organisations Collaborat…

In Cultural Heritage Forum

Read by Robert Madelin


University of Oxford Podcasts

Cortico-cerebellar Evolution and the Distributed Neural Basis of Cognition

In New Thinking: Advances in the Study of Human Cognitive Evolution

Read by Robert Barton


University of Oxford Podcasts

2007 Lecture 1: Starting in the middle

In John Locke Lectures in Philosophy

Read by Robert Stalnaker


University of Oxford Podcasts

Beyond 2011 - Keynote: Tales of Big Society

In RunCoCo - Beyond Collections: Crowdsourcing for public engagement

Read by Robert Ashton


University of Oxford Podcasts

Stability and Complexity in Model Banking Systems

In Complexity and Systemic Risk: Hilary Term Seminar Series 2010

Read by Robert May


University of Oxford Podcasts

Mitrovica: North and South of a Divided City (Video)

In Refugee Studies Centre: Documentaries and short films

Read by Robert Fuderich


Films about the situation of forced migrants worldwide produced by partner organisations of the Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford Department of…

THEMIS: The ‘Neogramscian approach’: using 'Critical Theories' to explain migrat…

In International Migration Institute

Read by Robert Westermann


University of Oxford Podcasts

Business and Human Rights: Voluntary Expectations or Legal Obligations?

In Public International Law Discussion Group

Read by Robert McCorquodale


University of Oxford Podcasts

Strategic Shortfall: The Somalia Syndrome and the March to 9/11

In Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict

Read by Robert Patman


University of Oxford Podcasts

Mobility, place-making, and economic competitiveness

In Transport Studies Unit Podcasts

Read by Robert Cervero


University of Oxford Podcasts

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