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The Republic

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The Republic is a Socratic dialogue by Plato, written in approximately 380 BC. It is one of the most influential works of philosophy and pol…

Les Mille et une nuits, tome 1

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Anonymoustranslated Byantoine Galland

Afin de ne plus être déçu par les femmes, le sultan Schahriar décide d'épouser une jeune fille chaque jour…

Ghost Story Collection 001

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A collection of ten pieces, read by various readers, about the unreal edges of this world in legend and story; tales of love, death and beyo…

The Count of Monte Cristo (version 2)

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Alexandre Dumas

The story takes place in France, Italy, islands in the Mediterranean and the Levant during the historical events of 1815–1838 (from just bef…

Pride and Prejudice

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Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice is the most famous of Jane Austen’s novels, and its opening is one of the most famous lines in English literature - “It …

Späte Rache

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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"Späte Rache" (engl. A Study in Scarlet, deutsch auch unter dem Titel Eine Studie in Scharlachrot erschienen), von Arthur Con…

Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours

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Jules Verne

Anglais flegmatique, enragé joueur de whist, Phileas Fogg, dont on ignore tout, mène une vie réglée comme une ho…

A Journey to the Interior of the Earth

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Jules Verne

Journey to the Interior of the Earth is an 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne (published in the original French as Voyage au centre d…

Your Psychic Powers and How to Develop Them

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Hereward Carrington

Instructions in how to develop your psychic powers including telepathy, clairvoyance, self-projection, reincarnation, and other topics. Seri…

20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer

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Jules Verne

20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer ist ein Roman des französischen Schriftstellers Jules Verne. Der Roman ist vorgeblich ein Erlebnisbericht …

Aesop's Fables, Volume 01 (Fables 1-25)

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Dating back to the 6th century BC, Aesop's Fables tell universal truths through the use of simple allegories that are easily understood. Tho…

The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Raven Edition, Volume 1

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Edgar Allan Poe

This, the first of 5 volumes containing Poe's works, contains 8 of his short stories as well as reflections, critiques, and eulogies by othe…

A Midsummer Night's Dream

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William Shakespeare

Magic, fairies, young lovers chasing each other through a forest, a man with a donkey's head, and impish Puck wreaking havoc right and left.…

Theodore Roosevelt: an Autobiography

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Theodore Roosevelt

In his vital, illustrative and dynamic autobiography, Theodore Roosevelt let us into the life that formed one of the greatest and outspoken …

The Return of Sherlock Holmes

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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Having left Sherlock Holmes apparently deceased at the conclusion of The Final Problem (in The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes), we now find that…

A Christmas Carol

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Charles Dickens

A classic tale of what comes to those whose hearts are hard. In a series of ghostly visits, Scrooge visits his happy past, sees the difficul…

Peter Pan

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J. M. Barrie

Peter Pan is the well-loved story of three children and their adventures in Neverland with the boy who refuses to grow up. Swashbuckling, fa…

Las Fábulas de Esopo, Vol. 1

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Las clásicas Fábulas de Esopo han sido traducidas a todos idiomas por cientos de años. Las fábulas, en forma de …

Crime and Punishment

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Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Crime and Punishment focuses on the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, an impoverished St. Petersburg stude…

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