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Chapter LXXIV: Wordsworth - The Poet of Nature

In English Literature for Boys and Girls

Read by Aric Reed

Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall

"Has there ever been a time when no stories were told? Has there ever been a people who did not care to listen? I think not."Thus …

Bold Badger

In Fifty Funny Animal Tales

Read by Aric Reed

Laura Rountree Smith

"This book contains short stories of animals that will charm the children. Such characters as the Funny Fox, the Happy Hare, the Willfu…

The Rats Plan to Kill Billy Mink

In Billy Mink

Read by Aric Reed

Thornton W. Burgess

“The stranger and the unknown must be always looked on with distrust.” --  Billy MinkThe Green Forest and the Smiling Pool are full of adven…

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