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The First Voyage of James Cook Volume 2

Read by David Cole

James Cook

Following his discovery and circumnavigation of New Zealand recorded in Volume 1, Cook sailed westwards to Australia, whose east coast was a…

Hector Berlioz; A Romantic Tragedy

Read by David Wales

Herbert Francis Peyser

How much more futile is it to attempt on the minuscule scale of the following tiny, if rambling, pamphlet to touch upon even a thousandth of…

The Diatessaron: A Harmony of the Four Gospels

Read by David Ronald


The Diatessaron is such an impersonal work that we do not need to know very much about its compiler. It will suffice here to say that he tel…

Rada; A Belgian Christmas Eve

Read by David Wales

Alfred Noyes

This is not heart warming holiday fare. It is a short (one-act) unsubtle antiwar play by the English poet Alfred Noyes (1880-1958), publishe…

A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume 2

Read by David Cole

James Cook

Having disproved the myth of Terra Australis Incognita (The unknown Southern Continent), Cook returns to New Zealand via the Friendly Island…

Against Celsus Book 6

Read by David Ronald

Origen Of Alexandria

Against Celsus, preserved entirely in Greek, is a major apologetics work by the Church Father Origen of Alexandria, written in around 248 AD…

Against Celsus Book 5

Read by David Ronald

Origen Of Alexandria

Against Celsus, preserved entirely in Greek, is a major apologetics work by the Church Father Origen of Alexandria, written in around 248 AD…

In The Footprints Of The Padres

Read by David Wales

Charles Warren Stoddard

The American Charles Warren Stoddard (1843–1909) wrote travel books quite popular in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This…

South-Sea Idyls

Read by David Wales

Charles Warren Stoddard

The American Charles Warren Stoddard (1843–1909) wrote quite popular travel books, especially those about Polynesia. South-Sea Idyls (1873)…

Institutes Of The Christian Religion Book 1 (Allen Translation)

Read by David Ronald

John Calvin

Now, my design in this work has been to prepare and qualify students of theology for the reading of the divine word, that they may have an e…

Combat Lessons Number 1: Rank And File In Combat: What They're Doing, How They …

Read by David Wales

United States Army War College

This 1942 Army manual, published during the course of World War II, consists of quotations from soldiers in the field concerning their exper…

Andreas Vesalius, The Reformer of Anatomy

Read by David Wales

James Moores Ball

Vesalius (born in Brussels, 1514-1564) is one of the foundation stones of modern medicine. Forsaking the study of anatomy by reading the anc…

Antietam National Battlefield, Maryland

Read by David Wales

Frederick Herman Tilberg

The American Civil War battle at Antietam, Maryland,(called Sharpsburg by the Confederacy) on 17 September 1862, has been called the bloodie…

Henry James At Work

Read by David Wales

Theodora Bosanquet

Bosanquet (1880-1961) was secretary or amanuensis to James from 1907 to his death in 1916. She wrote this essay (1924) eight years after hi…

Harmer John; An Unworldly Story

Read by David Wales

Hugh Walpole

Hjalmar Johanson (novel, 1926) is a boyish unworldly Swedish body builder come to Walpole’s fictional cathedral town of Polchester. His name…

Over The Rocky Mountains To Alaska

Read by David Wales

Charles Warren Stoddard

This 1899 travelogue is by one of the era’s most popular travel writers. A peek in how travel used to be. - Summary by David Wales

The Irish Nuns at Ypres: An Episode of the War

Read by David Wales

Dame M. Columban

“…I have charged Dame M. Columban to give a detailed account of all that has befallen the Community, since the coming of the Germans to Ypre…

Understanding English Cathedrals: Terminology, Architecture, Organization, And …

Read by David Wales

Esther Singleton

This recording comprises chapters from two different works: How To Visit The English Cathedrals (1912) by Esther Singleton, and The Cathedr…

Life At The Zoo: Notes And Traditions Of The Regent's Park Gardens

Read by David Wales

Charles John Cornish

London Zoo is the world's oldest scientific zoo. Opening in 1828, it was originally intended to be used as a collection for the scientific…

Into The Valley Of Death: Crimea, Balaklava, The Light Brigade: Russell, Tennys…

Read by David Wales


The Charge Of The Light Brigade (1854) is a famous poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson. It is about, among other things, the valor of soldiers and…

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