Search Results

The Social value of neurological reflexivity: decisions, and habits

In Neurosociety Conference

Read by Jonathan Rowson


The theme of the conference was the rise of the brain and the emergence of the brain industry or 'neuro markets'. The aim was to explore how…

Brain Science and the Military

In Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics

Read by Jonathan Moreno


University of Oxford Podcasts

Tripping the Light Fantastic 2010

In Christmas Science Lectures

Read by Jonathan Wood


University of Oxford Podcasts

Welcome and opening remarks

In Centre for the Study of Governance and Tranparency

Read by Jonathan Michie


Podcasts from the Centre for the Study of Governance and Tranparency,

Introduction to the Conference

In Research Approaches to Former Soviet States: A Practical Introduction

Read by Jonathan Waterlow


University of Oxford Podcasts

From global credit-crunch to Eurocrisis and double-dip recession: whatever next?

In Department for Continuing Education Open Day 2012

Read by Jonathan Michie


University of Oxford Podcasts

Creating a 'John Lewis' economy? - encouraging Corporate Diversity for Sustainab…

In Social Sciences at the Department for Continuing Education

Read by Jonathan Michie


University of Oxford Podcasts

Internet Governance and Regulation: The Future of the Internet - and How to Stop…

In Oxford Internet Institute

Read by Jonathan Zittrain


University of Oxford Podcasts

Migration policy and skills policy: substitutes or complements?

In Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS)

Read by Jonathan Portes


University of Oxford Podcasts

Boko Haram: A Threat To The US Homeland?

In Merton College

Read by Jonathan Hill


University of Oxford Podcasts

Chapter 17: Vayin Learns to Fight

In Children of Rhatlan

Read by Jonathan Fesmire

Jonathan Fesmire

Garum and Vayin are "duals," twins trapped in each other's minds and bodies, sharing one life. When a deranged wizard hunts them, …

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