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Round the Moon (Version 2)

Read by Mark F. Smith

Jules Verne

Jules Verne’s sequel to his “From the Earth to the Moon” begins with a short chapter to catch you up, if you missed the first book.Then we j…

More Goops and How Not to Be Them

Read by Mark F. Smith

Frank Gelett Burgess

Deep in the heart of every parent is the wish, the desire, to have other adults tell us, in an unsolicited way, just how very polite one’s c…

The Federalist Papers (version 2)

Read by Mark F. Smith

Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison

“The Federalist Papers” are a collection of 85 linked essays that explain the construction of the U.S. government and why it was built that …

The Hunting of the Snark (version 2)

Read by Shawn Craig Smith

Lewis Carroll

The Hunting of the Snark is a long nonsense poem by Lewis Carroll describing the adventures of ten weirdly assorted characters as they pursu…

Blake of the "Rattlesnake"

Read by Mark F. Smith

Frederick Thomas Jane

Fred Jane, who later went on to publish his famous "Jane's Fighting Ships", doubtless was noting the success of other books that f…

The Red Badge of Courage (Version 3)

Read by Mark F. Smith

Stephen Crane

A youth, caught up in patriotic fervor and dreams of glory, enlists in the Union Army. In his first battle, though, he runs away. Deeply ash…

The Wild Knight and Other Poems

Read by Robert G. Smith

G. K. Chesterton

A collection of poems that tend to revolve around the theme of the wonder of the world. It includes the short, poetic play, "The Wild K…

Americans All, Immigrants All

Read by Mark F. Smith

U. S. Department Of The Interior Office Of Education

The United States Department of the Interior, Office of Education partnered with the Columbia Broadcasting System to present a series of 26 …

In Darkest England and the Way Out

Read by Tom Hirsch (1947-2022)

William Booth

William Booth (1829 – 1912) was the founding General of the Salvation Army in late nineteenth century England. Finding his salvation as a te…

Captain John Crane, 1800 - 1815

Read by Tom Hirsch (1947-2022)

Thomas Wallace Knox

John and David grew up best of friends, outgoing and full of adventure. Living but miles from the sea west of Boston, right on the cusp of m…

Brother Francis

Read by Tom Hirsch (1947-2022)

Eileen Douglas

Or, Less than the LeastThe following pages have been written by my request with a view to making the Soldiers of The Salvation Army somewhat…

The Authoritative Life of General William Booth

Read by Tom Hirsch (1947-2022)

George Scott Railton

William Booth, together with his wife Catherine founded a small mission in London which eventually expanded to become a global movement, car…

The Airship Boys in the Great War

Read by Tom Hirsch (1947-2022)

De Lysle Ferree Cass and De Lysle Ferrée Cass

Little did Alan, Ned and Buck suspect what they were getting themselves in for when they approached the editor of The Herald with their plan…

The Radio Boys Trailing a Voice; Or, Solving a Wireless Mystery

Read by Tom Hirsch (1947-2022)

Allen Chapman

Radio is an ideal boy’s hobby, but it is not limited to youth. Nevertheless it offers a wonderful scope for the unquenchable enthusiasm that…

Don, a Runaway Dog: His Many Adventures

Read by Tom Hirsch (1947-2022)

Richard Barnum

Don was one of five little puppies. With his brothers and sisters he cuddled up close to Mrs. Gurr, the mother dog, to keep warm, for it was…

Tales of a Vanishing River

Read by Tom Hirsch (1947-2022)

Earl Reed

The background of this collection of sketches and stories is the country through which flowed one of the most interesting of our western riv…

Tommy Trot's Visit to Santa Claus

Read by Tom Hirsch (1947-2022)

Thomas Nelson Page

A charming tale about an Tommy, affluent Virginia boy who always gets what he wants at Christmas, only to discover his toys never make him q…

The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher

Read by Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock

Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock

University of Oxford Podcasts

Version 20

In I Do Not Love Thee

Read by Tom Yates

norton_c and Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton

LibriVox volunteers bring you twenty different readings of Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton’s I Do Not Love Thee, a weekly poetry project. (S…

15 - Chapters 38 to 41

In The Wheels of Chance

Read by Tom Watts

H.G.Wells and H. G. Wells

The Wheels of Chance - A Bicycling Idyll follows the adventures of a draper's assistant who, having brought an ancient bicycle, sets off on …

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