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Lord Peter promises a Solution

In Patricia Brent, spinster

Read by Anna Simon

Herbert Jenkins and Herbert George Jenkins

A romantic comedy, written in 1918, but with a modern feel to it. Patricia Brent one day overhears two fellow-boarders pitying her because s…

The Story of Evolution, Part 1

In The Outline of Science, Vol 1 (Version 2)

Read by Anna Simon

J. Arthur Thomson

The Outline of Science, Volume 1 was written specifically with theman-on-the-street in mind as the target audience. Coveringscientific subje…

Ch. IV. Sluys

In Famous Sea Fights

Read by Anna Simon

John R. Hale

I propose to tell in non-technical and popular language the story of some of the most remarkable episodes in the history of sea power. I sha…

02 - Chapter 2: Of Principles Adverse to that of Utility

In An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation

Read by Anna Simon

Jeremy Bentham

Jeremy Bentham's Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, a classic text in modern philosophy and jurisprudence, first publ…

Hoofdstuk 1

In De Zonde in het deftige dorp

Read by Anna Simon

Johan de Meester and Johan De Meester

“Een vertelling van menschen en zeden.”Stork is de dorpsdokter, die van dichtbij de reactie van zijn dorpsgenoten observeert als bekend word…

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