Search Results

Hoofdstuk 4

In Een Nagelaten Bekentenis

Read by Anna Simon

Marcellus Emants

"Mijn vrouw is dood en al begraven."Hiermee opent Willem Termeer zijn bekentenis. Het zou zonde zijn om hier meer details te verme…

The Man who was not on the Passenger List

In Ghost Story Collection 006

Read by Anna Simon

Robert Barr

A collection of ten pieces, read by various readers, about the unreal edges of this world in legend and story; tales of love, death and beyo…

Patricia’s Indiscretion

In Patricia Brent, spinster

Read by Anna Simon

Herbert Jenkins and Herbert George Jenkins

A romantic comedy, written in 1918, but with a modern feel to it. Patricia Brent one day overhears two fellow-boarders pitying her because s…

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