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Italian Hours

Read by Barbara Baker

Henry James

A loving recollection of the writer’s experiences, over many decades, of Italian places, people and art. - Summary by barbara2

Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia and Letter to a Friend

Read by Barbara Baker

Thomas Browne

Selections from the varied writings of a 17th century English doctor with a well-stocked mind, an interest in the new science of his age and…

The Desirable Alien at Home in Germany

Read by Barbara Baker

Ford Madox Ford and Violet Hunt

A travel journal of a year the author spent in Germany. With a preface and two additional chapters by her partner, the novelist Ford Madox F…

Horace Walpole's Letters: a selection

Read by Barbara Baker

Horace Walpole

Horace Walpole, 4th earl of Orford, was a cultivated participant in, and observer of, the social and political life of Georgian England. His…

The Life of Samuel Johnson, Vol. II (version 2)

Read by Barbara Baker

James Boswell

This is the second of four volumes of a what was a new, intimate, type of biography when it was first published in 1791 and which has been a…

The Letters of Madame de Sévigné to Her Daughter and Friends

Read by Barbara Baker

Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de Sévigné, Marie De Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise De Sévigné and Marie De Rabutin-Chantal

Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de Sévigné (5 February 1626 – 17 April 1696) was a French aristocrat famous for the precisi…

Mrs. Piozzi's Thraliana

Read by Barbara Baker

Charles Hughes

"It is many years since Dr. Samuel Johnson advised me to get a little book, and write in it all the Anecdotes which might come to my kn…

Glimpses of Italian society in the eighteenth century

Read by Barbara Baker

Hester Lynch Piozzi

Selections from the "Observations and reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy, and Germany" by Hester Ly…

The Early Diary of Frances Burney, Vol. 1

Read by Barbara Baker

Frances Burney and Annie Raine Ellis

Vol. 1 of Diaries and letters of the young Fanny Burney. The diaries give a lively and accurate account of her experiences in the literary a…

Reminiscences and Table-Talk of Samuel Rogers - Banker, Poet and Patron of the …

Read by Barbara Baker

Samuel Rogers

Samuel Rogers was a renowned conversationalist who associated with the most distinguished persons of his time. This volume contains fascinat…

Under the Greenwood Tree

Read by Rachel Lintern

Thomas Hardy

This novel is subtitled The Mellstock Quire, A Rural Painting of the Dutch School. The Quire is the group of musicians who accompany the hym…

Era uma vez...

Read by Rachel Moraes

Júlia Lopes and Júlia Lopes De Almeida

Era uma vez... é um conto, com castelo, princesa, aldeões, maravilhas do fundo do mar, dos ares e das florestas. Imagina&ccedi…

O Abolicionismo

Read by Rachel Moraes

Joaquim Nabuco

“O Abolicionismo” é uma das obras mais importantes para a abolição da escravatura, no Brasil. Ela propõe, como t…


Read by Rachel Moraes

Joaquim Maria Machado De Assis

Primeiro romance de Machado de Assis, publicado em 1872, quando o escritor tinha 33 anos. Segundo o autor, ao escrever este primeiro romance…

Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph

Read by Rachel Lintern

Frances Sheridan

Sidney and Cecilia are best childhood friends who are forced to part for 5 years. In that interval, Sidney Bidulph - an undoubtedly good and…

Memorias de Martha

Read by Rachel Moraes

Júlia Lopes De Almeida

Memórias que mesclam pobreza, sujidade, fome crônica, trabalho à exaustão, inveja, ciúme, degradaç&…

Gone to Earth

Read by Rachel Lintern

Mary Webb

"Gone to Earth" is the cry of fox hunters as the fox takes to its den and they lose the chase. Here, Mary Webb tells the story of …

A viúva Simões

Read by Rachel Moraes

Júlia Lopes de Almeida and Júlia Lopes De Almeida

Ernestina Simões é rica, bonita, ainda jovem e viúva. Com uma filha já moça, ela vive praticamente reclus…

The Third Miss Symons

Read by Rachel Lintern

F. M. Mayor

Miss Mayor tells this story with singular skill, more by contrast than by drama, bringing her chief character into relief against her world,…

Paulicea Desvairada

Read by Rachel Moraes

Mario De Andrade and Mário De Andrade

Paulicea Desvairada – livro de Mário de Andrade, publicado em julho de 1922. A leitura de trechos deste livro foi um dos pontos altos…

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