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When We Are Parted

In Short Poetry Collection 058

Read by Lisa

Hamilton Aide and Hamilton Aïdé

LibriVox's Short Poetry Collection 058: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

Broadway - read by LW

In Broadway

Read by Lisa

Sara Teasdale

LibriVox volunteers bring you 16 different recordings of Broadway by Sara Teasdale. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of Septe…

Vom 24. November bis 1. December

In Der Chancellor

Read by Lisa

Jules Verne

Der Chancellor ist eines von Jules Vernes ungewöhnlichsten Werken. Es erzählt vom Untergang eines Schiffes in Form eines Tagebuche…

39 - Fünftes Buch - Friedenszeit, Teil 1

In Die Waffen nieder!

Read by Lisa

Bertha von Suttner and Bertha Von Suttner

Der Roman „Die Waffen nieder!“ ist das bekannteste Werk der österreichischen Autorin und Friedensaktivistin Bertha von Suttner. Das Buc…


In Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers

Read by Lisa Chau

Elizabeth E. Lea

The compiler of [this book] having entered early in life upon a train of duties, was frequently embarrassed by her ignorance of domestic aff…

Useful Phrases: quailing culprit - remarkable sagacity

In Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases

Read by Lisa Chau

Grenville Kleiser

A Practical Handbook of Pertinent Expressions, Striking Similes, Literary, Commercial, Conversational, and Oratorical Terms, for the Embelli…

Bk 03, ch. 02: A Double Quartette

In Les Misérables, Volume 1

Read by Lisa Chau

Victor Hugo

This is book 1 of 5. An ex-convict breaks parole and starts a new life as a righteous man, but is pursued by a police inspector. Along the w…

Army reform, 1901

In Selected House of Commons Speeches

Read by Lisa Chau

Winston Churchill and Winston S. Churchill

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874 – 1965) was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during W…

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