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Bk 02, ch. 12: The Bishop works

In Les Misérables, Volume 1

Read by B. Grebe

Victor Hugo

This is book 1 of 5. An ex-convict breaks parole and starts a new life as a righteous man, but is pursued by a police inspector. Along the w…

XXVII - Of Crimes, Excuses, and Extenuations

In Leviathan (Books I and II)

Read by Smokey B.

Thomas Hobbes

Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil, commonly called Leviathan, is a book written in 1651…


In The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby

Read by B. Treadgold

Charles Dickens

The action takes place in London, with excursions to Devon, Yorkshire, and Portsmouth, as we follow the adventures of the eponymous hero. Ni…

Book IX Chapter 11: An Enterprise

In Cecilia: Memoirs of an Heiress

Read by Becca B

Frances Burney

The plot of Cecilia revolves around the heroine, Cecilia Beverley, whose inheritance from her uncle comes with the stipulation that she find…

06 - La Masque

In The Midnight Queen

Read by Becca B

May Agnes Fleming

May Agnes Fleming is renowned as Canada's first best-selling novelist. She wrote 42 novels, many of which have only been published posthumou…

Chapter 09

In The Yellow Sheet (LibriVox NaNoWriMo novel 2007)

Read by Smokey B.

LibriVox NaNoWriMo 2007 and Librivox Volunteers

An atomic bomb explodes in the mountains of Montana. But was there really a bomb? And was it really in Montana, or in Tokyo? Are Liz and Eli…

Juliet's Story Continued

In The Secret Passage

Read by Becca B

Fergus Hume

Excellent murder mystery. On September 9, 1905, the NY Times Saturday Review of Books described this book as follows: "That painstaking…

Chapter 19 - Miss Johnson's Behaviour Causes No Little Surprise

In The Trumpet-Major

Read by Becca B

Thomas Hardy

Our heroine, Anne Garland, lives quietly in a rural community deep in the English countryside. However, the arrival of several regiments pr…

15 - Patsy Meets with an Accident

In Aunt Jane's Nieces

Read by Becca B

L. Frank Baum

Jane Merrick is a wealthy, elderly, difficult invalid woman who is preparing for her approaching death. In her youth, she inherited her mone…

The Last Evolution

In Short Science Fiction Collection 026

Read by Timo B.

John W. Campbell Jr., John Wood Campbell Jr. and John Wood Campbell, Jr.

Science Fiction is speculative literature that generally explores the consequences of ideas which are roughly consistent with nature and sci…

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