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Short Stories (Version 2)

Read by John Van Stan

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

This is a collection of short stories written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Dostoevsky), who is arguably better-known for his lengthy, contemplativ…

A Bid For Fortune; Or, Dr Nikola's Vendetta

Read by Peter John Keeble

Guy Boothby

Guy Newell Boothby (1867 – 1905) was a prolific Australian writer. He moved to London in 1894 and became most well-known for his Dr.Nikola m…

Doctor Nikola Returns

Read by Peter John Keeble

Guy Boothby

Guy Boothby’s character Doctor Antonio Nikola was one of the first great diabolical criminal masterminds. He was a Victorian forerunner to F…

Flores Girl: The Children God Forgot

Read by Erik John Bertel

Erik John Bertel

There is something in the jungle of Irma Flores that has terrorized Sarah for years. As a scientist she needs to know what it is and by con…

The Birth of Tragedy; or, Hellenism and Pessimism (Version 2)

Read by John Van Stan

Friedrich Nietzsche

This is one of Nietzsche's early academic writings - a scholarly theory about Ancient Greek theatre, specifically tragedies. In a nutshell, …

The Forty-Five Guardsmen

Read by John Van Stan

Alexandre Dumas

The sequel to "Chicot the Jester" and final book of the "Valois Romances." This story begins six years after the famed &…

The Arabian Art of Taming and Training Wild and Vicious Horses

Read by John W. Michaels

P. R. Kincaid and P. R. Kincaidandjohn J. Stutzman

Back in the day before automobiles, a good horse trainer and veterinarian was the equivalent of “Mr Goodwrench”. A badly behaving or unhealt…

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 1: The Borgias and the Cenci (version 2)

Read by John Van Stan

Alexandre Dumas

Dumas's 'Celebrated Crimes' was not written for children. The novelist has spared no language--has minced no words--to describe the violent …

The d'Artagnan Romances, Vol 3, Part 1: The Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years La…

Read by John Van Stan

Alexandre Dumas

Volume 3 of The d'Artagnan Romances is divided into three parts. The first begins in 1660, ten years after Volume 2, with d’Artagnan as Lieu…

Have We Been Played? The Hidden Game Revealed

Read by John Berling Hardy

John Berling Hardy

THIS BOOK IS MOST LIKELY NOT FOR YOU! It will NOT guarantee success – Life holds no promises! It will NOT guarantee happiness – I…

The Coming Wrath

Read by John K. Reed

John K. Reed

A world lost in time and history. The earth as it was before the world wide flood destroyed the face of the planet almost five thousand year…

Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus (Version 4)

Read by John Van Stan

Mary Shelley

This is a classic (gothic) horror story, and one of the earliest examples of science fiction. The main characters are Dr. Frankenstein and h…

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 5: Part 1: Desrues

Read by John Van Stan

Alexandre Dumas

This story chronicles the crimes of Antoine-Francois Desrues (also called "Derues") from his childhood to his execution. Desrues c…

The Marie Antoinette Romances, Vol 1: Balsamo, The Magician

Read by John Van Stan

Alexandre Dumas

This is the first volume of Dumas' Marie Antoinette Romances (also called "The Memoirs of a Physician"). This historical fiction c…

The d'Artagnan Romances, Vol 3, Part 3: The Man in the Iron Mask (version 2)

Read by John Van Stan

Alexandre Dumas

Volume 3 of The d'Artagnan Romances is divided into three parts. In this, the final part, d’Artagnan’s fortune is near its height; having be…

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 4: Part 2: Urbain Grandier (version 2)

Read by John Van Stan

Alexandre Dumas

This is the dramatic story of Urbain Grandier, a catholic priest, who had a reputation to rival that of Casanova, which ultimately led to hi…

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 7: Part 1: Ali Pacha

Read by John Van Stan

Alexandre Dumas

Ali Tepeleni, Pacha of Janina, rose to power during the early 1800s in one of the Ottoman Empire’s most unruly territories (Albania). His fe…

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 6: Part 1: Joan of Naples

Read by John Van Stan

Alexandre Dumas

The celebrated crimes committed during the life of Joan (Joanna I) of Naples span from personal misdeeds (adulteries and mariticide) to regi…

Dr. Nikola’s Experiment

Read by Peter John Keeble

Guy Boothby

Guy Boothby's fourth novel of five about the svelte mysterious anti-hero Dr Nikola sees him progress further on his search for immortality. …

Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 7: Part 2: Countess de Saint-Geran

Read by John Van Stan

Alexandre Dumas

This story details the crimes and trial surrounding the unexpected pregnancy and subsequent childbirth of the Countess de Saint-Geran in 164…

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