Search Results

Impact of genetics on neuropsychopharmacology

In Psychiatry

Read by Paul Harrison


University of Oxford Podcasts

Media Law after Leveson: The Sanctity of Press Partisanship

In Foundation for Law, Justice and Society

Read by Paul Wragg


University of Oxford Podcasts

Philosophy of Criticism - Justifying Canonic Value

In Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation (OCCT)

Read by Paul Crowther


University of Oxford Podcasts

1. Research on Urban Mass Housing

In Centre for the Study of African Economies - Seminars & Workshops

Read by Paul Collier


University of Oxford Podcasts

Weak governance, development and corruption

In Oxford Centre for the Study of Corruption and Transparency

Read by Paul Collier


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Role of Digital Humanities in a Major Natural Disaster

In Oxford Internet Institute

Read by Paul Millar


University of Oxford Podcasts

Paul Kellstedt on teaching quantitative methods to political science students

In Department of Sociology Podcasts

Read by Paul Kellstedt


University of Oxford Podcasts

Goldilocks and the origin of animals - insights from the far north

In Kellogg College

Read by Paul Smith


University of Oxford Podcasts

What Will Happen to African States?

In Green Templeton College

Read by Paul Collier


University of Oxford Podcasts

Is Obesity a Disease?

In Unit for Biocultural Variation and Obesity (UBVO) seminars

Read by Paul Griffiths


University of Oxford Podcasts

Trusting what you're told: Founder's Lecture 2012

In St John's College

Read by Paul Harris


University of Oxford Podcasts

The Role of Genes in Bipolar Disorder: Recent Findings and What They Mean. Monic…

In Somerville College

Read by Paul Harrison


University of Oxford Podcasts

The intelligence agencies and their relations with the media

In Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

Read by Paul Lashmar


University of Oxford Podcasts

Reflections on geneticisation

In Anthropology

Read by Paul Martin


University of Oxford Podcasts

Richard Wagner: 200 Today

In The Bodleian Libraries (BODcasts)

Read by Paul Coones


University of Oxford Podcasts

Will Africa Harness its New Opportunities?

In Keble College

Read by Paul Collier


University of Oxford Podcasts

FMR 45 New Orleans: a lesson in post-disaster resilience

In Forced Migration Review

Read by Paul Kadetz


University of Oxford Podcasts

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