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NoDoorway 15

In No Doorway Wide Enough

Read by Bill Schmalfeldt

Bill Schmalfeldt

It was just about three weeks after his 45th birthday in 2000 when Bill Schmalfeldt was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. In 2007 while wo…


In You Never Miss the Dopamine (until the brain runs dry)

Read by Bill Schmalfeldt

Bill Schmalfeldt

He's quickly becoming the Lewis Black of Parkinson's Disease. In a series of hilarious essays, Bill Schmalfeldt (author of "No Doorwa…

UndercoverTrucker 01

In Undercover Trucker: How I Saved America by Truckin' Towels for the Taliban

Read by Bill Schmalfeldt

Bill Schmalfeldt

For his second Podiobook, Bill Schmalfeldt goes from the sublime to the ridiculous. His follow-up to the non-fiction "No Doorway Wide …

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