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V - I am Drafted for Paternity and Make Extraordinary Petition to the Chief of …

In City of Endless Night

Read by Kate Follis

Milo Hastings

An example of early dystopian science fiction written shortly after World War I, "City of Endless Night" imagines a future with a …


In Pantropheon

Read by Kate Follis

Alexis Soyer

Soyer was a 'celebrity chef', devising innovations such as water-cooled refrigerators and adjustable temperature ovens. He developed many po…

La Fuite de la Lune - Read by KV

In La Fuite de la Lune

Read by Kate Vaws

Oscar Wilde

While at Trinity Collage, Wilde obtained a reputation for clever repartee and keen wit. He affected a superior air in his manners which irri…

The Lane that had no Turning, part 1

In The Lane that had no Turning, and Other Tales concerning the People of Pontiac

Read by Kate Follis

Gilbert Parker

This is a collection of short stories by Gilbert Parker. Parker was a Canadian writer who wrote a number of bestsellers that had a lasting i…

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