Search Results

Finding a Way Out: An Autobiography

Read by Jim Locke

Robert R. Moton

He says about this work: "I have tried to record the events that have given character and colour to my own life, and at the same time t…

The Love of Landry

Read by Jim Locke

Paul Laurence Dunbar

The Love of Landry is one of Dunbar's four novels, and one of three that are about white people. In this case, the story is about the recupe…

The Primitive

Read by Jim Locke

Chester Himes

A nerve-twisting novel of passion and destruction (Summary by a literary critic)

The Forged Note: A Romance of the Darker Races

Read by Jim Locke

Oscar Micheaux

This novel investigates the black urban community of the early twentieth century, highlighting the base degradation and violence there. But …

Prejudices, Second Series

Read by Jim Locke

H. L. Mencken

Mencken is famous for his sometimes-savage attacks on almost everything humans can in their stupidity and priggishness and prejudice conjure…

Discoveries: Essays in Literary Criticism

Read by Jim Locke

John Middleton Murry

Introductory Note: I have called these essays and lectures by a title that some people may think presumptuous: first, because it is the titl…

The Dunbar Speaker and Entertainer

Read by Jim Locke

Alice Dunbar Nelson

Ms. Pinckney says in her "Forward" to this book the following: "It is against this background of the world need that Mrs. Ali…

True Love: A Story of English Domestic Life

Read by Jim Locke

Sarah Farro

The author is aware that she is entering a field which has been diligently cultivated by the best minds in Europe and America. Her design in…

The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories

Read by Jim Locke

Alice Dunbar Nelson

These stories focus on the Creole society of New Orleans and in the process reveals issues facing black Americans at the end of the nineteen…

The Bridge of San Luis Rey

Read by Jim Locke

Thornton Wilder

The deaths of five people resulting from the collapse of a bridge over a ravine prompts an observer to investigate the lives of the fallen a…

Fact Stranger than Fiction

Read by Jim Locke

John Patterson Green

I desire, to place before the colored youth, of my class, another concrete proof of the fact that, even in the United States, where the hand…


Read by Jim Locke

Charles Lindbergh

"We" is comprised of two parts. The first ten chapters (sections) where he traces his steady and remarkable genius for flying are …

Charles Sumner, The Scholar in Politics

Read by Jim Locke

Archibald Grimké

In the two volumes assigned to him in the American Reformer Series, viz., the "Life of William Lloyd Garrison, the Abolitionist," …

Scarlet Sister Mary

Read by Jim Locke

Julia Peterkin

How did 1929 Pulitzer winner and white plantation mistress Julia Peterkin become a favorite of the Harlem Renaissance? According to W.E.B. D…

Benjamin Franklin: Self-Revealed, Volume 1

Read by Jim Locke

William Cabell Bruce

His life was like a full five-act play—prophetic prologue and stately epilogue, and swelling scene imposed upon swelling scene, until the ta…

Crime: The Autobiography of a Crook

Read by Jim Locke

Eddie Guerin

This is not what one could call in any shape or form a pretty story. It is the plain unvarnished tale of a man who has been a notorious crim…

Whitman: An Interpretation in Narrative

Read by Jim Locke

Emory Holloway

"You want to know in a word the sum total of my life philosophy as I have tried to live it and as I have tried to put it in my book. I …

Historical Romance of the American Negro

Read by Jim Locke

Charles H. Fowler

It was not long before the fame of the colored soldiers of America was wafted over the whole world and everywhere received by all lovers of …

The Man of Feeling

Read by Jim Locke

Henry Mackenzie

A man of refined taste, who caught the tone of the French sentiment of his time, has, of course, pleased French critics, and has been transl…

Black No More

Read by Jim Locke

George Schuyler

Being an account of the strange and wonderful workings of science in the land of the free, A.D. 1933-1940. (Summary by author)

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