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I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

In Short Poetry Collection 180

Read by Caroline Sylvia

William Wordsworth

This is a collection of 50 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers for May 2018.

Heidi, une histoire pour les enfants et pour ceux qui les aiment

Read by Caroline Sophie

Johanna Spyri

Une petite fille orpheline, Heidi, est amenée par sa tante chez son grand-père qui habite isolé sur l’Alpe, loin des ho…

Emily Fox-Seton

Read by Caroline Driggs

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Have you ever wondered what happened to Cinderella after she married the prince? Have you ever asked yourself if it was really "happy e…


Read by Caroline Driggs

E. M. Delafield

Set in late Victorian England, “Consequences” follows the life of Alexandra Clare, a girl born into an upper class Catholic London family. R…

The Fox That Wanted Nine Golden Tails

Read by Caroline Lilyard

Kathleen Gray Nelson

A fox aspires to reach his 1000th birthday safely and be rewarded with nine golden tails in this wise and charming fairytale.

Learning and development in the public and private sectors: is there a differenc…

In Bynum Tudor Annual Lectures at Kellogg College

Read by Sylvia Jay


University of Oxford Podcasts

Chapter LXIV: Moguls, Ottoman Turks Part I

In The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. VI

Read by Caroline Fokke

Edward Gibbon

The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, a major literary achievement of the 18th century published in six volumes, was writ…

Garden of Love

In Eighteenth Century Poetry and Prose

Read by Caroline Schumacher

William Blake

A collection of prose and poetry written principally in the 18th Century. These works of world literature are written in the English languag…

Song of Wandering Aengus - read by CNH

In The Song of Wandering Aengus

Read by Caroline Morse

William Butler Yeats

LibriVox volunteers bring you eighteen different readings of The Song of Wandering Aengus, by Irish poet William Butler Yeats, to celebrate …

Chapter 11

In The Spy

Read by Caroline Morse

cooper_jf and James Fenimore Cooper

James Fenimore Cooper's second novel, The Spy (1821), is based on Sir Walter Scott's Waverly series, and tells an adventure tale about the A…

41 - De rozenelf.

In Andersens Sproken en vertellingen

Read by Caroline Fokke

H.C. Andersen, naverteld door S.J. Andriessen and Hans Christian Andersen

Sprookjes van Hans Christiaan Andersen, naverteld door Simon Jacob Andriessen. Deze verzameling bevat een aantal overbekende sprookjes, zoal…

Chapter 1

In Herodotus' Histories Vol 2

Read by Caroline Fokke


The Histories of Herodotus of Halicarnassus is considered the first work of history in Western literature. Written about 440 BC, the Histori…

Parable of the Old Men and the Young

In Short Poetry Collection 025

Read by Caroline Foty

Wilfred Owen

LibriVox’s Short Poetry Collection 025: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

III.XIII: Fiftytwo

In A Tale of Two Cities

Read by Caroline Morse

Charles Dickens

A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is a historical novel by Charles Dickens; it is moreover a moral novel strongly concerned with themes of guilt, …


In Short Poetry Collection 028

Read by Caroline Foty

Wilfred Owen

LibriVox’s Short Poetry Collection 028: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

Native Americans

In The Complete Book of Cheese

Read by Caroline Shapiro

Robert Carlton Brown and Bob Brown

Bob Brown, after living thirty years in as many foreign lands and enjoying countless national cheeses at the source, returned to New York an…

08- The Eighth Surprise: The Bravery of Prince Jollikin

In The Surprising Adventures of the Magical Monarch of Mo and His People

Read by Caroline Shapiro

L. Frank Baum

The Magical Monarch of Mo is a set of stories about the titular king, his queen, and his royal children. The stories are uproariously funny,…

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